Friday, January 29, 2010

Bus Rape Milena Velba


The year 2009 was characterized by the coexistence of two crises that had been brewing for decades, and that in one way or another will accompany humanity in the future: the crisis of the financial system general international economic system, and the climate crisis.

Of the many and complex implications of the first call I will highlight the recession, which in simple terms means that in a given period the economies of the countries, and in this case, global economy, do not follow growing at the rate that had been doing in previous periods. No need even will decrease (to reduce its size) but significantly enough to stop growing. [...]

economic growth based on exploitation of nature is going to agree a nap ... and moreover the planet.

The more resources and energy we consume, the greater our "ecological footprint", ie our "weight" on the planet, measured in terms of pressure on natural resources, waste generation and production gases that cause climate change. In other words, the more 'healthy' economy is more 'sick' is the planet we belong and whose "health" depend for their existence. In the economy and attempts to 'punish' the economic development indicators, incorporating the dimension its environmental impact, but the truth is that, in practical terms, today more development means more capacity to devour the planet's resources, pollute the biosphere and contribute to global warming.


The world needs to embark on a planned recession, with the challenge of achieving the seems impossible in theory and in practice: reducing the size and hence the impact of predatory economies (whether capitalist, communist, socialist or label as you want), while increasing the quality of life of human beings, not measured in terms of our ability to plunder but to our enjoyment of existence.

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