Nevadan Sempervivum (= S. minutum)
presents great variability in their populations, so that we can find very different copies each. The origin of this species, presumably due to crossovers and hybrids have not yet stabilized, as might be inferred by its high chromosome number. Although as always, all are hypotheses. Their size ranges between 2 and 3 cm in diameter.
presents great variability in their populations, so that we can find very different copies each. The origin of this species, presumably due to crossovers and hybrids have not yet stabilized, as might be inferred by its high chromosome number. Although as always, all are hypotheses. Their size ranges between 2 and 3 cm in diameter.
Initially, the discovered S. Nevadan in Sierra Nevada and later was discovered in the nearby Sierra de Baza. Sempervivum although both belong to the same species, the two populations have very different characteristics.
Sierra Nevada populations
They are found above 2,500 m. altitude in abundance. Grow in schistose rocks and outer leaves recurve as to protect the center of the plant from excessive sunlight and also stained a magenta color characteristic. The pink flower is very intense.
They are found above 2,500 m. altitude in abundance. Grow in schistose rocks and outer leaves recurve as to protect the center of the plant from excessive sunlight and also stained a magenta color characteristic. The pink flower is very intense.
populations Sierra de Baza
A little Northern, there are at most at an altitude of 2213 m. grows on limestone rocks. Populations are more uniform than those of Sierra Nevada and some more size. Its leaves are somewhat tomentum and do not have the red hue with intense sunlight. The flowers are a lighter pink, and faded and sometimes almost white.
Consider the typical habitat of S. Nevadan
Photos and comments to the caption: Manuel Ramos
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Peñones of San Francisco, Sierra Nevada (Granada). The plant that grows at his hand I think is Sedum Dasyphyllum subsp. Dasyphyllum. The type subspecies of this taxon, as described by Flora Ibérica, is characterized by the absence or low abundance of trichomes typical of the other two subspecies. It is most abundant in the north of the Iberian Peninsula in the south, where only found in some mountains of Granada and Jaen.
The first Rock in San Francisco, Sierra Nevada National Park.
Peñones San Francisco, Sierra Nevada (Granada). Here it is typical to see them grow in the cracks schistose rocks.
Barranco de San Juan, Sierra Nevada (Granada)
Barranco de San Juan, Sierra Nevada (Granada). Along the mountain thyme (Thymus serpylloides), another Nevadan endemism.
Barranco de San Juan, Sierra Nevada (Granada)
Barranco de San Juan, Sierra Nevada (Granada). Growing among the junipers (Juniperus communis subsp. Hemisphaerica)
Hoya de la Mora, Sierra Nevada (Granada)
Picon de Jerez, Sierra Nevada (Granada). There is a place where evergreens abound. Perhaps because it is an area with abundant rocks and marbles, very carbonated. Anyway, the fundamental substrate consists of schist and around the central core of Sierra Nevada. The photo was taken on 15th August and can be seen the look so deteriorated that can have this plant in summer.
crag in the Sierra de Baza
Sierra de Baza
Calar de Santa Bárbara, Sierra de Baza (Granada). This plant has been built on a erioblasta Saxifraga, or perhaps Saxifraga Sempervivum has grown about not ...
Calar de Santa Bárbara, Sierra de Baza (Granada)