Saturday, November 10, 2007

30 Spanish Wedding Words

Sempervivum cantabricum in habitat: Picos de Europa

For this first intervention in the blog I have chosen to show you pictures of semper in habitat. In August 2006 I made a few hours excursioncilla of Picos de Europa, in particular the famous Lagos de Covadonga:

I have controlled an area in which semper grow in relative abundance. We talked about Sempervivum cantabricum ssp. Cantabricum .

One hour may be pulled kicking the mountain without seeing a single rose, until it reaches the right place and then begin to appear everywhere. Apart from that, logically, these plants have a preference in terms of guidance, etc., I find it curious that in this way focus on small areas. It seems logical that, given its vegetative propagation system, the expansion of a rosette is produced by neighboring areas, giving then place these "areas of abundance." But what about the seeds? Why do not favor the extension of the plant to other places?.

Anyway, these are issues to resolve botanists know, for sure. For now, step to show you a selection of photos I took.

grow in an area with abundant limestone, very slick grass, moss, etc., An area with abundant moisture, both on the ground and in the air, especially since frequent fogs covering Lagos. Both the grass grow (quite covered by it sometimes) and in the rock, building cracks and crevices where there is a minimum amount of substrate available.

These pictures can be seen very well the characteristic hairiness of the leaves ("hairy-glandular, botanists say.) You can enlarge pictures

only other plant that colonized much and so well this bedrock: Saxifraga paniculata. Very abundant everywhere, and forming large patches of rosettes. Really nice:

But, despite the merits of the saxifraga, I must admit my weakness for Sempervivum. This way of settling the grietecillas:

A hole in the rocks and a bit of substrate is sufficient to establish a "family":

Here, accompanied by other crassulaceas ( Sedum album and Sedum Dasyphyllum ):


rosettes that grow in sunny exposures, such as those that follow, show disproportionate growth of some leaves, probably to protect the center of the rosette of excess solar radiation:

I do not know if it will be one of his favorite dishes, probably not, but the truth is that some goats nibbling the tender will be entertained centers of the rosettes:

And though it was August, and was already past the flowering season , some specimens more or less found itself behind. These two flowers, growing in a shady zone (Look at the shape and color of the roses):

An unusual rose with buds about to open and, strangely, has not developed cut flowers (and below, Sedum album ):

following does
This was developed, if somewhat amorphous:

And the latter also suffered the appetite of goats, or probably did not take Flowers:

Another day ...;-)

Hugs, Toño


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