Monday, March 29, 2010

The Hardest Level Of Cubefield

Siberia - A solemn joke


On March 24 appeared in all media the news: "found a new species of hominid," when you read carefully, you realize that behind this story it really is is this: A research team from several countries, led by Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute Leipzig (Germany), published in the journal Nature, reporting on a small bone of a phalanx of a finger, found on level 10 of the excavation of the cave called Denisova in southern Siberia. That phalanx we can see in the picture have been removed (without breaking), 30 milligrams of mitochondrial DNA, which conveniently analyzed, 385 have revealed differences in their nitrogen bases of a modern sapiens (us), as you know that analyzed the remains of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA have been found 202 differences, for nothing, using the "molecular clock", conclude that the phalanx belongs to another species of human beings who are separated from the trunk formed by the Neanderthals and sapiens 1,000,000 years ago, and we have a new kind of men they call "hominid" because it is not clear that it is to be human.

DNA analysis This is an issue that is very fashionable, which is given undeserved importance, and is bidding to become the exclusive authority to determine the origins of human beings. With the disclosure in the media and in some books, has been transmitted to society, the undeniable DNA analysis. So much comes to the issue that the political authorities have legislated giving value determining test sometimes these tests in certain situations.
actually the matter is not as clear as they would have us believe. On this point, it is best to read the book "The Myth of the gene" [1] notice that although they may leave a bitter taste, especially because behind this concern is to blame they are released, innocent who are convicted, let alone the issue of who is really your father?. Courage, truth is always better than lies. Let

schematically how often do DNA analysis:
When there is very little DNA, because the sample is small, the sample undergoes a process called "reaction polymerase chain reaction", which copies many times you will, a DNA sample, to have the amount needed. Then the DNA is purified, using a delicate and long, once purified and unwind, [2] you add a "restriction enzyme" that acts as a security key, search for DNA, and when it encounters a particular sequence of nucleotides which "fits", reacts with it, and cut the DNA at that point, (this is done supposedly in all places where is this particular sequence that makes "couples" with the enzyme); means that there are some DNA fragments that are repeated many times, one beside the other along the DNA chain, and has seen the number of these repeats varies from person to person. When DNA is cut into pieces, were stained with iodine salts, and a sophisticated device, the fragments are measured, so if the DNA is the same, the pieces are cut the same size. And this, well summarized, is the method by which they usually do DNA analysis. [3]

not forget that if the DNA is something of an incredibly small size, their pieces will be slightly less, and the methods we have for measuring these fragments are not so precise that they can distinguish the size of a piece of DNA containing 112 repetitions (of fragment that is repeated), the size of another fragment which has 109 repetitions. The two DNA give the same result in the analysis.

Of course there are many people who have the same number of repetitions of these fragments, which you, or I, [4] so do not spend money on this type of test, because you'll see what happens:

When the FBI forensic laboratory, DNA analysis performed on blood samples of 225 agents, and repeated the tests a second time, with the same samples, in the same laboratories, and the analysis made by the best researchers, one in six outcomes, not equal out. [5]
Creation of Eve in the Sistine Chapel. Image:

turns out that among 216 people with hemophilia B studied, they found that mutations that cause it are given in 115 different places in the DNA. [6] With so there is no way to know with clarity and sharpness, to what extent is crucial to have or not have a particular variation in a DNA fragment.

So despite the enormous economic interests are at stake in this matter of genes, in 1992, after a serious dispute among scientists about the validity or otherwise of the DNA tests appeared an article under the headline: "U.S. House seeks to restrict the use of DNA in court, "adding the subtitle:" You have asked the judges to discard the "DNA fingerprints" until they have a solid scientific basis. " [7]

And we have not said anything about the pollution: if you play with your fingers or coughs near a sample, contaminated with their own DNA.

If the FBI agents, and with the same analytical conditions, failed to identify the 16.7% of times, when it comes to comparing the DNA of a father with his son, who is half of the DNA you and the other half of the mother, What assurance of success there?.

We told all this, because if so it goes with the living, why not go with the DNA of the dead, let alone if it is a Neanderthal, or bones that are tens or hundreds of thousands of years buried in the depths of a cave, wetting, breaking, deforming etc.

■ ABOUT "Mitochondrial Eve"

This is the clearest example of how geneticists burst, invading all areas of science. They want us to accept his theory of mitochondria "feminine."

Mitochondria are small organelles of the cells responsible for the production of energy needed for its operation. Mitochondria are in the egg are entering the zygote. They assume that it provides the sperm enters the egg or not, or are destroyed upon entry, so that mitochondria that each of us has, we all come from the mother and the little "loop" of mitochondrial DNA, which leads mitochondria be transmitted from mother to daughter. [8] human mitochondria. Image:
With these premises, at 1,987, was published [9] study. where from analysis of 150 types of mtDNA-people in four continents (do not know why America was not included in the study), we investigated the variability that exists in approximately 16,000 pairs of nucleotides it contains. Calculated the percentage of divergence between them, and although it is unclear how they saw in Africa (or rather in individuals of African origin) had a lower% of disagreements, and decided that meant that Homo sapiens had had its origin in Africa, and applying the aforementioned molecular clock, estimated that the first female of our species, lived in Africa 200,000 years ago, hence the name with this hypothesis is known.
After them, others have reduced the time to 143 or 150,000 years, but remains equally unacceptable, because immediately after the publication of his work were harshly criticized, because the samples of Africans were taken from African Americans, because the computer program also could have built hundreds of other quite different family trees, by the estimate made of the frequency in the "mutations", etc.
But it is precisely the sperm, along with cardiac muscle cells are the cells have more mitochondria, and it is perfectly established that at least some of the mitochondria of sperm passed to the zygote and, therefore, the new offspring. This has been confirmed by the transmission of some diseases due to paternal mtDNA. [10] This, by itself, completely invalidate all the work. Sperm
surrounding an egg. Image:


This is another invention related to the previous. You compare a biomolecule in different things, such as a penguin and a turtle, if the protein we studied, comparing the penguin with the turtle, found 40 of the amino acids that are different, and "know" that birds and reptiles (they belong to the sea), were separated evolutionarily in the Jurassic, "just" 157 million years, we can deduce that at that time, the protein was a single study (that we used to calibrate, to reset our clock molecular-evolution) and from that time until now, there have been 40 "mutations" that have changed 40 of links in the chain of amino acids that we are considering, because we already have our clock perfectly prepared to ask what time is it, only that the question goes like this:

If between a pigeon and a penguin in the protein that we studied there are 9 different links, how long ago the ancestors of both were one and began to separate into two distinct branches?. Our clock is a simple rule of three and says if up to 40 "mutations" have needed 157 million years to 9 will be required ... Exactly 35'3 million years, look at our chart of geological time and finish off: the ancestors of birds, are evolutionarily separated from the ancestors of penguins in the Oligocene. Never mind that nobody has seen a penguin or a bird in the rocks of that age, or a paleontologist They have found remnants of older sediments. All this does not matter, says our molecular clock.
And this is taught in some universities, but how are the heads? If it turns out:

· No one can prove that all living beings have a common origin.
· No one can prove that the birds from reptiles.
· No one can prove that, we do not know if it happened, took place at a particular moment in geological time.
· No one can prove that the absolute dating methods are accurate.
· No one can prove that the "mutations" are the responsible for the diversity of living things that exist.
· No one can prove that differences in the composition of a biomolecule in different living things are produced by a mutation.

· No one can prove that a "mutation" is always changing just one part of a protein.
· No one can prove that the "mutations" which they call "bonus", occur at a steady pace of time.
· No one can build anything scientifically sound based on many assumptions.
Having all this, what is left of the vaunted news?, If it appears to remain unchanged doubtful DNA in a bone dated to 40,000 years if they are doubtful the results of DNA analysis, if it turns out that mitochondria are inherited from the father and mother (even if we accept that more of it, you never know which has been taken for the sample of which one is), if it is only among the 150 people tested in the work of the Mitochondrial Eve serving as a reference to this that we are dealing with up to 90 differences were found, with which of us compared the results of the discovery if they say that has 385 different to ours?, what roll is all this if it turns out that at the same levels of excavation remains were found in bonfires green stone bracelet, beads Necklace, Mousterian and Levallois-type tools, and to magnificent bone needles.

Do they think we are stupid?, This phalanx is a human being, does there are other creatures that are able to do these things?.

(118) Cann, R. , Stoneking, M. and Wilson, A. "Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution" - Nature 325-1987 - p. 31 to 36.
[1] Hubbard, Ruth, and Wald, Elijah - "The Myth of the gene" - Alianza Editorial - 1,999.

[2] DNA in its natural state, is meticulously folded and refolded on el mismo, formando los cromosomas.
[3] Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah - Op. cit. p. 250 y 251.
[4] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL, "Population Genetics in DNA Forense Tiping" - Science - 254 p. 1.745 - 1750 to 1991.
Lander, Eric S. "DNA Fingerprinting on Trial" Nature - 339 - p. 501 - 505-1989.
[5] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL Op. cit.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[6] Gianelli, F. y al "Haemophilia B: Data Base of Point Mutations and Short Additions and Deletions" - Nucleic Acis Research - 18 - p. 4,053 to 4,059.
[7] Kolata, Gina "U.S. Panel Seeking Restriction on Use of DNA in Courts" - New York Times - April 14 - p. 1, C7 - 1,992.
Semogil, 29 March 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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Can you explain to others what is the essence?


days ago, the most frequent commentator on the blog, under the entry: "The essence of man" said the difficulty of explaining a "profane" what is the essence. I replied briefly there, but I was to try another entry on the subject, and here goes. The issue to be essential, it is the less complex. I'll keep a precise and succinct steps without entering qualifications, following Aristotle and indicating some of the objections that a "layman" could do.
Before returning to what is the human essence, we see again the answer to the question: what is the essence?. The answer can be articulated in two ways:
a) The essence is the essence of the substance.
b) The essence is the ultimate answer to the question: what is something or someone. "
The two answers are exhausted itself, provided we are familiar with metaphysical concepts, provided we know what is the substance, or what is something or someone. The "profane" can say that it is impossible or useless to ask those things, that each reality is one way and there is no definitive answer to these questions, we then face a relativist denies that there is truth in this case all we can try is to make him see that falls into a contradiction, since for him it is true that it is useless to ask those things, then for it, yes there is the truth about something. We can also remind you if the day before it was ever the question "What is this, or what am I?. If you
has no concept of substance, you know, we can say that the substance is the intrinsic cause of the existence of beings, for example, the soul is the substance of living beings, for it is said that the soul is the substantial form the body.
The form is something intangible that is not done, what is done is to bring the form with matter, for example, a carpenter does not make a chair, has inside, he takes the field, in this case wood and you gives the chair form, and we have a chair that is the meeting as chair with the wood material.
In the case of living things, "profane" say that there is no soul, and if asked by the intrinsic cause of a living being, possibly answer genes, this is a widespread misconception, some more "insiders" say that the soul is the genetic development program is something intangible, and thus believe save the furniture, but this does not correspond with reality, and if no, do the test, ask him or ask you with my eyes closed: Did you ever in your life have you seen your mother as a handful of genes?, have you ever love a genome, when a child ever months smiling in your arms, you thought it was something like a robot that was within a few genes or a program that was what made him smile?.
Now that we know briefly what is the substance, we return to the question of the essence: the essence is the being of soul, or essence is the ultimate answer to what is man?.
Aristotle says that essence is what goes into the definition. For him, the man is a rational animal, and if the "secular" think that living things have no soul, think a little about what is meant by the word animal, animated, endowed with a soul, which is in itself the beginning of his movement.
The critical issue that separates man from other animals, is to be rational. When we try to say what is an animal, we begin by saying which is a feline, a canine, a ruminant, a beetle, etc ... and then a little more nuanced, but the very definition, limited to a lifestyle, a certain environment. With man, the definition speaks of its rationality, it is his understanding, his freedom and his will which makes it free from environmental constraints. These features are characteristic sound of the man of spiritual beings who have no body, in our case only, we are an embodied spirit, a spirit of a rational soul and body.
Aristotle died BC, did not know him. Jesus Christ showed us the true potential of understanding, freedom and human will hurt by the original sin. We who have known each other and we know that Jesus Christ is alive, we can say that the essence of man is being created in the image and likeness of God to Amar. And so and for that we are body, see, dream, think, speak, cry, pray, live and die.
If the layman says we're mixing things up, that faith is subjective ... best not to dwell at length, at most show him your admiration for his great faith, because we have the Gospels, the Qumran scrolls, the writings of Flavius \u200b\u200bJosephus Roman chronicles, records of the martyrs, the Shroud of Turin, the Shroud of Oviedo, the testimony of the Fathers of the Church and thousands of saints, and our experience that Jesus is alive and has the power to get us of our sins. While he only has the bizarre idea that one day a monkey fell from a tree and began walking on two legs, which is not supported by any scientific data, do not try to explain that there is the essence, show him your admiration for his great faith.
Semogil March 22, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Don Alonso De Villanueva

My mother was not ill-spoken person . In her mouth rude inconceivable. Except, I must confess with shame, when there in my teens I discovered a hydraulic strategy to extract, automatically, a sonic "fuck." I watchtower that she was in the shower, and for a split second he opened the cold water tap or water hot kitchen sink. The immediate effect was that, during the same time, suddenly altered the careful thermal balance of the shower ... and my own mother was eager to lower the mother! Since the domestic level onwards, the 'removed' from the water touches the heartstrings of people. [...]

According to the National Water Study (NSS) 2005, quoted by the Comptroller in his report on the state Natural Resources and the Environment 2007-2008, the 'production 'water by the Colombian ecosystems or an average of 47,470 meters cubic meters per person y por año (casi 47 millones y medio de litros), cantidad aparentemente enorme pero que, de acuerdo con la misma fuente, podría reducirse a 1.890 metros cúbicos por persona y por año alrededor del 2020, si no se adoptan y ejecutan las decisiones adecuadas. ¡Esto es 26 veces menos disponibilidad de agua por persona y por año!

Si hoy tenemos en Colombia los niveles de conflicto que tenemos ¡Imagínense como serán cuando estemos 26 veces menos bañados!

Ver la versión completa en la revista CARRUSEL

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Josh Hutcherson Herpes

growth and form of D'Arcy Thompson - Books about evolution - II

This wonderful book of D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860-1948) provides a vision for growth and living way that clashes with the evolutionary paradigm. The author wrote the book in 1917, then in 1942 it expanded to reach 1,116 pages wound. At the moment I found only one edition in Castilian, but small, this version to condense the text, eliminated entire sections relating mainly to vegetables.
D 'Arcy Thompson shows with thousands of examples of how living things have little or nothing to do with their genes-proteins. Environmental conditions, the laws of physics, chemistry, gravity (in general all laws of nature) and the growth parameters shape the way of being.
Start with simple examples on how unicellular organisms, in the shape of the zygote and morula, in the shape of the leaves, corresponding to logarithmic growth of arithmetic series, in the form of jellyfish, mainly due to physical laws governing the membranes separating two liquids of different densities, such as jellyfish have to be "pockets of liquid-viscous" surrounded by water, suggesting in this case, a simple experiment with water and ink which causes forms of jellyfish.

speaks of the growth of horns, claws and fangs and its various curls. Profusely says the bony structures of mammals and reptiles, showing countless examples and figures like the skeleton of quadrupeds is constructed in a similar way to how Engineers build large steel bridges. Study
inner trabecular bone, which are built specifically to withstand the kind of physical effort to be supported. Quote

other scientific experiments, experiments that really matter, and generally muted, such as those made with planktonic foraminifera, which was added a few drops of alkali to the water in which lived, and built the shells exactly like those of other species.
And much more. The author was a true scholar, not merely the empirical sciences, masterfully dominated the philosophy, history, engineering, and literature.
This is a very enlightening book that I highly recommend to those interested in seeking the truth about how living things, this book offers a range of research to be done.
D 'Arcy Thompson "On Growth and Form" Editing John Tyler Bonner, published by Cambridge University Press. Madrid, from 2,003 to 325 pages.

Semogil March 12, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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I reached this article by Zenit news agency, perfectly complements the entry I did on this film, you feel good.

ROME, Saturday March 6, 2010 ( .- Here is the article he writes, on the eve of the Oscar Awards for the film Avatar, Licia Pereira, theologian and film critic.
* * *
After just over ten years of absence from the film, James Cameron (Aliens, Therminator and Titanic) is back with Avatar, a film written, produced and directed. With nine Oscar nominations, including best picture is the box office worldwide all having raised in late January, the considerable sum of more than two billion dollars, surpassing Titanic was until then the largest ticketing all time.

Where is the key to success? Does your plot? Difficult because Avatar is simple and very predictable. What technology? Without doubt curious about the advanced special effects that can be appreciated only in 3d led many people to the movies, but it only explains the new film fever? I think there's more behind. So ... Is success will be on your "philosophy" in the background? Maybe.

What is it?

In 2154, a team of scientists and military mercenaries seeking to colonize the planet Pandora to extract a mineral that can solve energy and environmental problems on Earth, and also improve the multinational sponsors colonization, the problem is that higher concentration of this mineral is found in the territory inhabited by the natives of the planet, Na'vi, enormous blue humanoid-type creatures, but cats have features and a tail.

As expected Na'vi resist the presence of humans and scientists seek a peaceful means to enlist their cooperation in the opposite case the military will use force to compel them to move and thus extract the mineral sought after. Jake (Sam Worthington), a paralyzed former marine is one of the volunteers to contact Na'vi, such contact is made through an Avatar, a body created in the laboratory from genes and Na'vi human genes that, when connected to a person's mind, induces sleep, comes to life. Jake

then makes a triple play: for the military is a spy who passes the information to facilitate military operations, for scientists is a partner in diplomatic relations and Na'vi is a choice of divinity, such choice will allow you to be admitted to his clan. What follows is predictable: Jake empathizes with Pandora, falls in love with the princess Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), repents of his duplicity, declares war on the military despite the dead and wounded all ends with a "happy end" to Hollywood style. The film does not require intelligent effort to be understood, nor is deep, as would be, to touch the deep fibers of the heart. Hence the puzzlement of his success.

What is an Avatar?

begin with the title of the film. Avatar, in Sancrist "which falls" is a Hindu religious term, is a hierophany [1] of Vishnu, a divinity in every so often descending to earth to help men, which can assume human or animal form. The term has been taken by some virtual communities where members plus a nickname, choose a picture (a literary or comic, a singer, an animal, an object) that represents, ie an avatar. We then two interesting elements that already appear in the title of the film and are present throughout the development of the same: the spiritual and virtual reality.

ecological spirituality and myth of the noble savage

Among the many items of religiosity in the film are one of the most significant: the sacred tree. Mircea Eliade in his Treatise on the history of religions "talks about the religious function of the tree in ancient cultures and makes a classification of its various features [2], Avatar, assumes certain: the tree as the deity room in Eywa case, as a receptacle of the souls of the ancestors, showing the mystical bond between himself and the Na'vi, as a significant presence in initiation ceremonies, which occurs when Jake enters the town and as a regenerator Na'vi giver life, as seen in the healing ritual of Grace (Sigourney Weaver) and transformation Jake.

The strength of the symbolism of the tree is the underlying philosophy of Avatar: the naturalistic pantheism, which proposes that the universe is a unique and singular substance, and this uniqueness is what keeps all the intimate and mystical beings interconnected; is pantheism of Baruch Spinoza in his classic "He sive natura," God is nature. " There is a problem that presents a fictional alien culture with these characteristics, the problem arises when this culture is presented as spiritually superior to humans.

Now, humanity has been revealed that there is a God who is Creator and Love, different from the creature, but the call to communion of life with Him, Avatar, without getting into religious discussions, conveys the idea that religious naturalism is indeed superior to the Christian revelation.

There is no doubt that Avatar is a paradigmatic manifestation of neo-paganism in the culture Hodierna. The representation of the beautiful and exuberant nature of Pandora, except those that are animal-Na'vi constitution and anorexic, apologetic speech is accompanied by New Age, by an effective combination of images and words to sell the product well.

But Avatar is also the attempt to make social commentary, unfortunately one of the temas elegidos por Cameron ha sido usado hasta el cansancio en Hollywood: el buen salvaje. ¿Quién no percibe aquí la eterna crítica a la colonización española y portuguesa en América? ¿O el mea culpa de los americanos por el exterminio de sus indios? Una vez más el estribillo versa veladamente que la cultura cristiana con sus valores aplasta a las demás; no entremos en la discusión, recordemos sólo que para los buenos aztecas sacar el corazón de una persona viva era un rito religioso y que a pesar de las sombras de la colonización de las tierras americanas es históricamente innegable que la luz del Evangelio ha aportado una evolución a tales culturas.
Los dos protagonistas on the great tree. Image:

Another theme of the movie, certainly more current, is the ecology and is just the desire to transmit an ecological message, but as Pope Benedict XVI says , must be given its rightful place ecology: "There needs to be a kind of ecology, correctly understood. Indeed, the degradation of nature is closely linked to the culture that shapes human society: when is respected ' human ecology 'in society, environmental ecology also benefits [3] and Avatar is far from presenting a true ecological message.

Escape from reality and resignation of the human

We can not fail to mention that Avatar subtly suggests that if you like your successful escape harsh reality, do it because it is valid. And look at the reality of men in the 2154's black! Most human beings in the film are ambitious, bellicose and selfish, the same Jake just "good side out" due to contact with Na'vi, the Earth is a desolate, Jake Neytiri account in its no planet green. The human environment is cold, technologized, war, unlike Pandora is beautiful, magical, warm, better is to live among the inhabitants of Pandora (which means, appropriately, "All gifts") that among humans, it is significant that into the film, Jake in his personal diary to record that he actually became the avatar of their sensory experiences, as he sleeps in a capsule.

Nothing like a good dose of existential lie! The public will then not be surprised that Jake give up his humanity to become a Na'vi, the whole process should not overlook the fact that the protagonist is paralyzed, we can say that his physical handicap makes your decision is acceptable , because it appeals to sentiment it says it is better to give this life to live it as poor, as if the human person is defined by your body.

Another element to highlight is the relationship, is Jake's love affair with the princess (the romance is always an element that attracts the viewers) and its brotherhood with the other Na'vi, these relationships are much more than human plenificantes .
Affirmation of the human

Avatar is full of anthropological pessimism and reflects the current distrust of man in man and in his ability to do good, the spiritual crisis of the Christian West is characterized by moral and philosophical relativism, agnosticism and functional, materialism and the many other manifestations of the tragic situation of the world beset by people today live That would be good a paradise where all beings live in harmony and where simplicity is the rule of life!

Who does not? The profound aspiration for full happiness and harmony could explain the public's empathy with the film, unfortunately Avatar meets that aspiration so sentimental and superficial, but what is impressive is that resonates with people, this reveals how man today live far from their own interiority. Avatar

For modern man is corrupt and offers refuse moral and religious heritage of humanity-cultural to exalt the naive myth of the noble savage, of course, ignores the Christian revelation to us says the man, in spite of sin, is the image and likeness of God and has, in Jesus Christ, a sublime dignity and vocation [4], therefore to build capacity for themselves and others a more just and fraternal Avatar proposed and if the deity so clearly hear the prayer, more so the God of our faith, listen to your creature and offers his grace to enable it to live in harmony with Him, with yourself, with others and with all creation .

____________ [1] Demonstration of the sacred. See M. Eliade, A Treatise of the History of Religions, Mexico, 1972, p.49

[2] The theme is developed throughout the chapter VII. Cf ELIADEN M., Treatise ..., pp 242-298.

[3] Benedict XVI, Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate, 51

[4] See Second Vatican Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the world, Gaudium et Spes, 22
Semogil March 7, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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absolute dating methods and

University of Oxford. Image:

The clearest evidence of the inaccuracy of the radio-dating methods is the amount of information that is published on dating "curious" made with this method carbon - 14, for example:

The same piece of oak, has been dated at several universities with the following results: The archaeological museum of Cairo, was awarded an antiquity of 7,000 years.
The University of Madrid, was awarded an antiquity of 4,000 years.
Bordeaux University, was awarded 5,000 years.
UC Berkeley, was awarded 1,250 years.
The Pennsylvania State University, was awarded 1,440 years.
The Search Foundation in Washington, he won 5,000 to 6,000 years. [1]

have been dated shells alive today, in 2,300 years. [2]

mortar Oxford Castle, built 785 years before dating, was "having" 7,370 years. [3]

have been dated to Eocene rocks younger than 40,000 years. [4]

has been dating a recently dead seal, in 13,000 years. [5]
monk seal. Image:

In 2003, British researchers discovered near the Mexican city of Puebla, human footprints of several adults with some children. The layer of the footprints were dated at the University of Oxford, by carbon-14 from the shells of molluscs, which contained, in 40,000 years later, another team of Berkeley Geochronological Center, dated to the method of Argon Argon 40 → 39, the volcanic ash that were the footprints of 1,300,000 years. [6] And that taught us that humans arrived in America 10 or 15,000 years ago across the Bering Strait.

And not to tire, we will quote, finally, the solemn "gaffe" of the dating of the Shroud of Turin, which was dated by saying that the linen that is made, "died", that is, was collected between the year 1,200 and 1300 of our era. (Just an object that we have enough accurate historical and scientific references for many centuries before that date). Precisely dating the date corresponds to the time when it is known that the sheet was exposed frequently to the public in the Plaza de Besançon (France). An object that has been dipped twice, we know, by the water from the fire! [7] How can thirteenth century a fabric that contains among its fibers, pollen grains of plants endemic to Syria and Palestine which became extinct in the ninth century?.

Given all this we have explained, it is logical to ask, is that scientists realize this?. We must try to get a little on your situation and understand that:

Behind all this matter there are many millions of dollars or euros, and if you doubt this, ask how much a team to make the carbon-14 dating, or simply " much is dating an object?.

top, most prestigious scientific journals rarely publish articles on paleoanthropology which do not have absolute dating.

In these conditions, add to the evolutionary paradigm is closeted to most scientists, who prefer to overlook in this matter, because deep faith or submission to the paradigm is such that operation scheme, in many cases, is: If the dating

I have done in the laboratory, the evolutionary scheme fits official magnificent.

If dating does not fit, for example: I get on the dating that the remains of a modern man are 2,000,000 years ago, "something goes wrong." Or the dating is wrong, or evolution, is not true. Menudo problem. If I get a reputable journal I publish this, "I will throw all over, going to marginalize me and we'll see if I lose my job." Well, I'll see a new date to another facility, or try it with another method of absolute dating, two, three or seven times, until one of them give me a date that is not opposed to the "truth" established.

Basically, as you know perfectly well that the dating is not very reliable, they have many problems of consciousness to find another date less problematic.

Luckily there are some who are brave and have played their reputation, and in most cases, lost. But there is always someone who follows in his wake.

end this point with the comment by Lee, R.: "The problems of radiocarbon dating method are undeniably deep and serious as no surprise that half of the dates made, are rejected. The question is rather: Llegar to accept the other half? ". [8]

[1] Sanvicens, A. "The truth about evolution" p. 132.
[2] Borruso, S. "Evolutionism in trouble," p. 146.
Jueneman, CF Industries in Research - 14, 1972, p. 16.
Wysong, RL "The Evolution-Creation Controversy" - Inquiry Michigan Press, 1976 p. 151. Rev. Science. Vol 141, p. 634-637. - 1963.
[3] Von Fang: Creation Research Society Quarterly - 11-1974, p. 18.
Borruso, S. Op cit. p. 146.
Wysong, RL op. cit. p. 151.
[4] Slusher, HS, and Whitelaw, RL, "The radiometric dating" Edit. Clie - 1986.
Sanvicens, A. Op cit. p. 59 and 60.
[5] Antarctic Journal. vol. 6 p. 21 to 1,971.
[6] Renne, Paul R., Feinberg, J, M,, et al. "Age of Ash with Alleged Mexican Footprints" Nature - 438: E7.
[7] What we had is apparent in any of the many books written about the Shroud of Turin. For example: Alarcón, Juan "The Fifth Gospel" - Edit. Numbert vassal - 1984.
[8] Lee, RE "Radiocarbon ages error" Anthropological Journal of Canada - Vol. 19 to 3 p. 9 to 1981.
Semogil March 3, 2010