DNA analysis This is an issue that is very fashionable, which is given undeserved importance, and is bidding to become the exclusive authority to determine the origins of human beings. With the disclosure in the media and in some books, has been transmitted to society, the undeniable DNA analysis. So much comes to the issue that the political authorities have legislated giving value determining test sometimes these tests in certain situations.
actually the matter is not as clear as they would have us believe. On this point, it is best to read the book "The Myth of the gene" [1] notice that although they may leave a bitter taste, especially because behind this concern is to blame they are released, innocent who are convicted, let alone the issue of who is really your father?. Courage, truth is always better than lies. Let
schematically how often do DNA analysis:
When there is very little DNA, because the sample is small, the sample undergoes a process called "reaction polymerase chain reaction", which copies many times you will, a DNA sample, to have the amount needed. Then the DNA is purified, using a delicate and long, once purified and unwind, [2] you add a "restriction enzyme" that acts as a security key, search for DNA, and when it encounters a particular sequence of nucleotides which "fits", reacts with it, and cut the DNA at that point, (this is done supposedly in all places where is this particular sequence that makes "couples" with the enzyme); means that there are some DNA fragments that are repeated many times, one beside the other along the DNA chain, and has seen the number of these repeats varies from person to person. When DNA is cut into pieces, were stained with iodine salts, and a sophisticated device, the fragments are measured, so if the DNA is the same, the pieces are cut the same size. And this, well summarized, is the method by which they usually do DNA analysis. [3]
not forget that if the DNA is something of an incredibly small size, their pieces will be slightly less, and the methods we have for measuring these fragments are not so precise that they can distinguish the size of a piece of DNA containing 112 repetitions (of fragment that is repeated), the size of another fragment which has 109 repetitions. The two DNA give the same result in the analysis.
Of course there are many people who have the same number of repetitions of these fragments, which you, or I, [4] so do not spend money on this type of test, because you'll see what happens:
When the FBI forensic laboratory, DNA analysis performed on blood samples of 225 agents, and repeated the tests a second time, with the same samples, in the same laboratories, and the analysis made by the best researchers, one in six outcomes, not equal out. [5]
turns out that among 216 people with hemophilia B studied, they found that mutations that cause it are given in 115 different places in the DNA. [6] With so there is no way to know with clarity and sharpness, to what extent is crucial to have or not have a particular variation in a DNA fragment.
So despite the enormous economic interests are at stake in this matter of genes, in 1992, after a serious dispute among scientists about the validity or otherwise of the DNA tests appeared an article under the headline: "U.S. House seeks to restrict the use of DNA in court, "adding the subtitle:" You have asked the judges to discard the "DNA fingerprints" until they have a solid scientific basis. " [7]
And we have not said anything about the pollution: if you play with your fingers or coughs near a sample, contaminated with their own DNA.
If the FBI agents, and with the same analytical conditions, failed to identify the 16.7% of times, when it comes to comparing the DNA of a father with his son, who is half of the DNA you and the other half of the mother, What assurance of success there?.
We told all this, because if so it goes with the living, why not go with the DNA of the dead, let alone if it is a Neanderthal, or bones that are tens or hundreds of thousands of years buried in the depths of a cave, wetting, breaking, deforming etc.
■ ABOUT "Mitochondrial Eve"
This is the clearest example of how geneticists burst, invading all areas of science. They want us to accept his theory of mitochondria "feminine."
Mitochondria are small organelles of the cells responsible for the production of energy needed for its operation. Mitochondria are in the egg are entering the zygote. They assume that it provides the sperm enters the egg or not, or are destroyed upon entry, so that mitochondria that each of us has, we all come from the mother and the little "loop" of mitochondrial DNA, which leads mitochondria be transmitted from mother to daughter. [8] human mitochondria. Image:
After them, others have reduced the time to 143 or 150,000 years, but remains equally unacceptable, because immediately after the publication of his work were harshly criticized, because the samples of Africans were taken from African Americans, because the computer program also could have built hundreds of other quite different family trees, by the estimate made of the frequency in the "mutations", etc.
But it is precisely the sperm, along with cardiac muscle cells are the cells have more mitochondria, and it is perfectly established that at least some of the mitochondria of sperm passed to the zygote and, therefore, the new offspring. This has been confirmed by the transmission of some diseases due to paternal mtDNA. [10] This, by itself, completely invalidate all the work. Sperm
surrounding an egg. Image:
This is another invention related to the previous. You compare a biomolecule in different things, such as a penguin and a turtle, if the protein we studied, comparing the penguin with the turtle, found 40 of the amino acids that are different, and "know" that birds and reptiles (they belong to the sea), were separated evolutionarily in the Jurassic, "just" 157 million years, we can deduce that at that time, the protein was a single study (that we used to calibrate, to reset our clock molecular-evolution) and from that time until now, there have been 40 "mutations" that have changed 40 of links in the chain of amino acids that we are considering, because we already have our clock perfectly prepared to ask what time is it, only that the question goes like this:
If between a pigeon and a penguin in the protein that we studied there are 9 different links, how long ago the ancestors of both were one and began to separate into two distinct branches?. Our clock is a simple rule of three and says if up to 40 "mutations" have needed 157 million years to 9 will be required ... Exactly 35'3 million years, look at our chart of geological time and finish off: the ancestors of birds, are evolutionarily separated from the ancestors of penguins in the Oligocene. Never mind that nobody has seen a penguin or a bird in the rocks of that age, or a paleontologist They have found remnants of older sediments. All this does not matter, says our molecular clock.
· No one can prove that all living beings have a common origin.
· No one can prove that the birds from reptiles.
· No one can prove that, we do not know if it happened, took place at a particular moment in geological time.
· No one can prove that the absolute dating methods are accurate.
· No one can prove that the "mutations" are the responsible for the diversity of living things that exist.
· No one can prove that differences in the composition of a biomolecule in different living things are produced by a mutation.
· No one can prove that a "mutation" is always changing just one part of a protein.
· No one can prove that the "mutations" which they call "bonus", occur at a steady pace of time.
· No one can build anything scientifically sound based on many assumptions.
Having all this, what is left of the vaunted news?, If it appears to remain unchanged doubtful DNA in a bone dated to 40,000 years if they are doubtful the results of DNA analysis, if it turns out that mitochondria are inherited from the father and mother (even if we accept that more of it, you never know which has been taken for the sample of which one is), if it is only among the 150 people tested in the work of the Mitochondrial Eve serving as a reference to this that we are dealing with up to 90 differences were found, with which of us compared the results of the discovery if they say that has 385 different to ours?, what roll is all this if it turns out that at the same levels of excavation remains were found in bonfires green stone bracelet, beads Necklace, Mousterian and Levallois-type tools, and to magnificent bone needles.
Do they think we are stupid?, This phalanx is a human being, does there are other creatures that are able to do these things?.
(118) Cann, R. , Stoneking, M. and Wilson, A. "Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution" - Nature 325-1987 - p. 31 to 36.
[1] Hubbard, Ruth, and Wald, Elijah - "The Myth of the gene" - Alianza Editorial - 1,999.
[2] DNA in its natural state, is meticulously folded and refolded on el mismo, formando los cromosomas.
[3] Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah - Op. cit. p. 250 y 251.
[4] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL, "Population Genetics in DNA Forense Tiping" - Science - 254 p. 1.745 - 1750 to 1991.
Lander, Eric S. "DNA Fingerprinting on Trial" Nature - 339 - p. 501 - 505-1989.
[5] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL Op. cit.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[6] Gianelli, F. y al "Haemophilia B: Data Base of Point Mutations and Short Additions and Deletions" - Nucleic Acis Research - 18 - p. 4,053 to 4,059.
[7] Kolata, Gina "U.S. Panel Seeking Restriction on Use of DNA in Courts" - New York Times - April 14 - p. 1, C7 - 1,992.