Friday, March 12, 2010

Don Alonso De Villanueva

My mother was not ill-spoken person . In her mouth rude inconceivable. Except, I must confess with shame, when there in my teens I discovered a hydraulic strategy to extract, automatically, a sonic "fuck." I watchtower that she was in the shower, and for a split second he opened the cold water tap or water hot kitchen sink. The immediate effect was that, during the same time, suddenly altered the careful thermal balance of the shower ... and my own mother was eager to lower the mother! Since the domestic level onwards, the 'removed' from the water touches the heartstrings of people. [...]

According to the National Water Study (NSS) 2005, quoted by the Comptroller in his report on the state Natural Resources and the Environment 2007-2008, the 'production 'water by the Colombian ecosystems or an average of 47,470 meters cubic meters per person y por año (casi 47 millones y medio de litros), cantidad aparentemente enorme pero que, de acuerdo con la misma fuente, podría reducirse a 1.890 metros cúbicos por persona y por año alrededor del 2020, si no se adoptan y ejecutan las decisiones adecuadas. ¡Esto es 26 veces menos disponibilidad de agua por persona y por año!

Si hoy tenemos en Colombia los niveles de conflicto que tenemos ¡Imagínense como serán cuando estemos 26 veces menos bañados!

Ver la versión completa en la revista CARRUSEL


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