Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Roll Wheel Chicco Walker
If you really were in our view (definition of "sane" that provides the dictionary) and if you truly "did reflection" (as the definition of "sanity"), reading "rope" of news of Colombia which are permanently displayed in newspapers, would plunge us into depression or madness. If we were fully aware of the horror and pain behind behind each of these macabre and real news that describe the situation in Colombia, would run mad. Madness would be an irrefutable evidence of sanity. But no, we figured out how to hook us fools' to barbarism, including "many millions of Colombians, when electing the rulers in whose hands we place our destinies.
I am surprised, therefore, the news that appears on the front page of The Spectator on Thursday June 17 entitled "Diary of Madness" , according to which a notebook written by the superintendent Luis Hernando Peña, most likely killed by the guerrillas during their abduction, "give reason of insanity that invaded in captivity."
The journalist writing the story, presents the following as "just one of many meaningless phrases recorded in a notebook the mayor wasted, which did not devote a single His own word, and officiated as a kind of diary of captivity "
"Anything in the universe can tell the story of all things"
That's one of the most beautiful phrases, and even more successful from the point philosophical and scientific and I've read recently, equivalent to that of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, that " The entire sky fit in the space of a rose. The world comes to live in perfume. The intensity of an inner beauty condenses the beauties of the universe. "
"The Scream" by Edward Munch, Magdalena River as an
Surely yes it's crazy that after 11 years of being subjected to the infamous torture kidnapping, Sergeant Peña Bonilla has managed to maintain the clarity and wisdom needed to write that and other phrases illuminated, based on which the journalist of yore diagnosed his madness.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Heartbeat Fetus 34 Weeks
DNA and the accuracy of their analysis
The discoverers of the structure of DNA. It's very interesting book "The Double Helix" in which one of them tells how the discovery tube place, cutting molecule models in cardboard, and giving credence to the view of a chemist who insist that the structure of a nucleotide was not like was in all the books. Image taken from: http://www.caramutt.com/

The discoverers of the structure of DNA. It's very interesting book "The Double Helix" in which one of them tells how the discovery tube place, cutting molecule models in cardboard, and giving credence to the view of a chemist who insist that the structure of a nucleotide was not like was in all the books. Image taken from: http://www.caramutt.com/
schematically how are usually performed DNA analysis:
When there is very little DNA, because the sample is small, the sample undergoes a process called "polymerase reaction chain", which copies many times as you want, a DNA sample, to have the amount needed. Then the DNA is purified, using a delicate and long, once purified and unwind, [1] you add a "restriction enzyme" that acts as a security key, search for DNA, and when he finds a particular sequence of nucleotides which "fits", reacts with it, and cut the DNA at that point, (this is done supposedly everywhere where it is the particular sequence that makes "couples" with the enzyme), it is understood that there are some DNA fragments that are repeated many times, next to each other along the DNA chain and has seen the number of these repeats varies from person to person. When DNA is cut into pieces, the fragments are measured, so if the DNA is the same, the pieces are cut the same size. And this, well summarized, is the method by which they usually do DNA analysis. [2]
not forget that if the DNA is something of an incredibly small size, their pieces are slightly smaller; and methods at our disposal to measure these fragments are not so precise that they can discern the size of a piece of DNA containing 112 repetitions (of the fragment that is repeated), the size of another fragment which has 109 repetitions. The two DNA give the same result in the analysis. [3]
Of course there are many people who have the same number of repetitions of these fragments, which you, or I, [4] so do not spend money on this type of evidence because see what happens:
When the FBI forensic laboratory, DNA analysis performed on blood samples of 225 agents, and repeated the tests a second time, with the same samples, in the same laboratories, and the analysis made by the best researchers, one in six outcomes, not equal out. [5]
One of the graphical representations of DNA analysis. Image taken from: http://hanniagomez.blogspot.com/
remember that DNA analysis does not give the specific sequence of nucleotides of DNA and gene associations with disease, we are continually listening the media have, removing very specific cases, the validity of the following example: For a time he thought he had identified a "gene" that was related to a manic-depressive disorder, until ill of this disorder, two people who had no such "gene manic-depressive." [6]
And if you, is that among 216 people with hemophilia B studied, they found that mutations that cause it are given in 115 different places in the DNA. [7] With so there is no way to know with clarity and sharpness, to what extent is crucial to have or not have a particular variation in a DNA fragment.
So despite the enormous economic interests are at stake in this matter of genes, in 1992, after a serious dispute between scientists on the validity or otherwise of the DNA evidence, an article appeared under the headline: "U.S. House seeks to restrict the use of DNA in court, "adding the subtitle:" You have asked the judges to discard the "DNA fingerprints" until they have a solid scientific basis. " [8]
And we have not said anything about the pollution: if you play with your fingers or coughs near a sample, contaminated with their own DNA.
If the FBI agents, and with the same analytical conditions, failed to identify the 16.7% of times, when it comes to comparing the DNA of a parent with your child which has half his DNA and the other half from the mother, how sure of success there?.
We told all this, because if so it goes with the living, why not go with the DNA of the dead, let alone if it is a Neanderthal, or bones, such as carrying 800,000 years Atapuerca ( according to his calculations) buried in the depths of a cave, wetting, breaking, deforming etc.
[1] DNA in its natural state, is meticulously folded and refolded on itself, forming the chromosomes.
[2] Hubbard, Ruth, and Wald, Elijah - "The myth of Gen" p. 250 and 251.
[3] Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[4] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL, "Population Genetics in DNA Forense Tiping" - Science - 254 p. 1.745 - 1750 to 1991.
Lander, Eric S. "DNA Fingerprinting on Trial" Nature - 339 - p. 501 - 505-1989.
[5] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL Op. cit.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[6] Kelsoe, John R. y al "Re-evaluation of the Linkage Relationship Between Chromosome 11 Loci's and the Gene for Bipolar Affective Disorder in the Old Order Amish" - Nature, - 342 p. 238 – 243.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 110.
[7] Gianelli, F. y al. “Haemophilia B.: Data Base of Point Mutations and Short Additions and Deletions” – Nucleic Acis Research – 18 – p. 4.053 – 4.059.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 107.
[8] Kolata, Gina “U.S. Panel Seeking Restricción on Use of DNA in Courts” – New York Times – 14 Abril – p. 1, C7 – 1.992.
When there is very little DNA, because the sample is small, the sample undergoes a process called "polymerase reaction chain", which copies many times as you want, a DNA sample, to have the amount needed. Then the DNA is purified, using a delicate and long, once purified and unwind, [1] you add a "restriction enzyme" that acts as a security key, search for DNA, and when he finds a particular sequence of nucleotides which "fits", reacts with it, and cut the DNA at that point, (this is done supposedly everywhere where it is the particular sequence that makes "couples" with the enzyme), it is understood that there are some DNA fragments that are repeated many times, next to each other along the DNA chain and has seen the number of these repeats varies from person to person. When DNA is cut into pieces, the fragments are measured, so if the DNA is the same, the pieces are cut the same size. And this, well summarized, is the method by which they usually do DNA analysis. [2]
not forget that if the DNA is something of an incredibly small size, their pieces are slightly smaller; and methods at our disposal to measure these fragments are not so precise that they can discern the size of a piece of DNA containing 112 repetitions (of the fragment that is repeated), the size of another fragment which has 109 repetitions. The two DNA give the same result in the analysis. [3]
Of course there are many people who have the same number of repetitions of these fragments, which you, or I, [4] so do not spend money on this type of evidence because see what happens:
When the FBI forensic laboratory, DNA analysis performed on blood samples of 225 agents, and repeated the tests a second time, with the same samples, in the same laboratories, and the analysis made by the best researchers, one in six outcomes, not equal out. [5]

remember that DNA analysis does not give the specific sequence of nucleotides of DNA and gene associations with disease, we are continually listening the media have, removing very specific cases, the validity of the following example: For a time he thought he had identified a "gene" that was related to a manic-depressive disorder, until ill of this disorder, two people who had no such "gene manic-depressive." [6]
And if you, is that among 216 people with hemophilia B studied, they found that mutations that cause it are given in 115 different places in the DNA. [7] With so there is no way to know with clarity and sharpness, to what extent is crucial to have or not have a particular variation in a DNA fragment.
So despite the enormous economic interests are at stake in this matter of genes, in 1992, after a serious dispute between scientists on the validity or otherwise of the DNA evidence, an article appeared under the headline: "U.S. House seeks to restrict the use of DNA in court, "adding the subtitle:" You have asked the judges to discard the "DNA fingerprints" until they have a solid scientific basis. " [8]
And we have not said anything about the pollution: if you play with your fingers or coughs near a sample, contaminated with their own DNA.
If the FBI agents, and with the same analytical conditions, failed to identify the 16.7% of times, when it comes to comparing the DNA of a parent with your child which has half his DNA and the other half from the mother, how sure of success there?.
We told all this, because if so it goes with the living, why not go with the DNA of the dead, let alone if it is a Neanderthal, or bones, such as carrying 800,000 years Atapuerca ( according to his calculations) buried in the depths of a cave, wetting, breaking, deforming etc.
[1] DNA in its natural state, is meticulously folded and refolded on itself, forming the chromosomes.
[2] Hubbard, Ruth, and Wald, Elijah - "The myth of Gen" p. 250 and 251.
[3] Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[4] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL, "Population Genetics in DNA Forense Tiping" - Science - 254 p. 1.745 - 1750 to 1991.
Lander, Eric S. "DNA Fingerprinting on Trial" Nature - 339 - p. 501 - 505-1989.
[5] Lewontin, RC y Hartl, DL Op. cit.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 252.
[6] Kelsoe, John R. y al "Re-evaluation of the Linkage Relationship Between Chromosome 11 Loci's and the Gene for Bipolar Affective Disorder in the Old Order Amish" - Nature, - 342 p. 238 – 243.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 110.
[7] Gianelli, F. y al. “Haemophilia B.: Data Base of Point Mutations and Short Additions and Deletions” – Nucleic Acis Research – 18 – p. 4.053 – 4.059.
Hubbard, Ruth, y Wald, Elijah Op. cit. p. 107.
[8] Kolata, Gina “U.S. Panel Seeking Restricción on Use of DNA in Courts” – New York Times – 14 Abril – p. 1, C7 – 1.992.
Semogil 18 de Junio del 2.010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
How To Make Listerine Pocketpaks
Gradualism and subject
Esquema del ojo human. Image: www.fisicanet.com
The complicated sophistication around the eye and vision system that accompanies it, already worried Darwin himself mentioned the problem of vision, saying that sometimes " took away the dream. " In the first editions of his book "The Origin of Species", boasting of sincerity, wrote:
"If you could prove the existence of any complex organ could not have formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory fall apart completely. "
Later in the sixth edition of his book, considered as the "definitive", Darwin, and more emboldened by knowing Haeckel publications and other colleagues who supported him completely changed perspective and wrote:
"seems absurd in every way, I confess spontaneously, suppose that the eye, with all his inimitable down to bring the focus to different distances, for admitting light and variable amount for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have formed by natural selection ...... But reason tells me that if they can demonstrate there are many gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect eyes, each degree useful to the animal that possesses it, as indeed; if in addition the eye ever varies and the variations are inherited, as is also true, and if these variations are useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection even though insuperable to our imagination, should not be considered as destructive of our theory. " [1]
is clear that Mr. Darwin was a master of rhetoric, so if we understand correctly, if we can find among all living things, different types of eyes from what can be understood as a body vision "simple", to what our eye can be "complex" and demonstrated that our eye has arisen for a number of modifications, or "beneficial bugs" from the organ of vision simple. Well despite the obvious absurdity of that conclusion from those premises, there have been eminent scientists who have established, as the idea of \u200b\u200bDarwin, this list of "ancestors" of our eye. [2]
They all seem to agree that the simpler visual organ is the one with the Euglena, [3] which is a type of protozoan flagellate, sometimes confused with algae. Lives in fresh water and has a photosensitive organelle lets you target the direction from which light arrives.
• In first place, it seems possible to see what advantage has meant to the Euglena have this organelle, as calm as still living together with other algae and other protozoa that have no photosensitive organelle.
• In second place would have to prove that the Euglena lived in remote times when life began, and check that I had the photosensitive organelle.
• Third would have to explain why it has evolved since then.
• And fourth, should demonstrate how you can go from this organelle to our sophisticated eye with its lens, the iris, the retina, her pupil, her tear ducts, eyelids, eyelashes, their photoreceptors, their muscles to focus, their optic nerves, brain mechanisms for the interpretation of the images, the arteries that supply everything, etc. etc. And to answer that "it is possible with the passage of millions of years" is not answering anything, just using a loophole.
Image: http://laimagendeuninstituto.blospot.com
■ EYE of trilobites
Let's discuss the case of the eye of trilobites, and thus, we considered settled this matter. You could write millions of pages to remove the assumption of gradualism, but we believe that what we said and with this example is sufficient.
Trilobites are considered highly organized the first animals that inhabited the primitive seas, their fossils are fairly abundant and well studied. The oldest appears at the beginning of the Cambrian period, and were very abundant until at least the Permian, virtually the entire era Primaria.
is therefore expected that, having appeared so early in the earth, its vision system to be quite "simple", according to the Darwinian theory, but reality once more, it seems that does not fit. Consider what is known of the "primitive" visual system of trilobites. To this end, we summarize the well-documented presentation that makes this issue Mr G. Rattray. [4]
Trilobites belonging to the arthropods, have eyes that consist of a bundle of columns, each with its lens on the top, and the photoreceptor at the bottom, and the whole beam is protected by a cornea. The columns are not completely parallel, but fan out, each run in one direction, the combination does not produce an image like that is our eye, each column produces its own image. Have been able to count in some eyes of trilobites fossils up to 770 columns.
In 1973, Towe Keenneth [5] published an interesting study that stated that the eyes of trilobites consisted of calcite crystals with column-shaped, lined with exquisite precision. Removed the eye of a fossil with a microscope could see that as the column to focus, producing a clear and crisp but varied from one column to another, each "focused" to a different distance, allowing the trilobites have both a set of sharp images of everything around him, from what it was several millimeters from his eye to what was in the distance.
until now been assumed that these crystals of calcite that "stuffed" the eye of trilobites were the result of the fossilization process, but as Towe found in most modern fossil arthropods, whose eyes have appeared filled with calcite crystals, they were arranged without any order, and not let in light. For a calcite crystal miss the light, it is essential that the glass is exactly aligned with the direction of the ray of light entering it, otherwise the beam of light begins to bounce off the walls and breaks down into various colors . But in the eye of trilobites, each calcite crystal transmits light with the transparency of glass. So Towe demonstrated, with several cases, calcite crystals in the eyes of trilobites was his way of seeing, not a result of fossilization. But not even stop.
The eye of a trilobite fossil. Image: http://photos2extreblog.com
In the same year took place in Oslo 1973 International Conference on trilobites. There, R. Levi-Setti [6] said the whole affair of the eye of trilobites with Professor Clarkson, who, back to Edinburgh University where he worked, began to spin until he found the "Traité de la lumiere" of Christian Huygens published in 1690, the description of an aplanatic lens [7] produces no aberration ball, which was similar to drawings of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes of trilobites that had left Levi-Setti. After
, Clarkson found in "geometry" of Descartes, published in 1637, other pictures of another model to correct lens aberrations, different from Huygens, but it coincided with the pictures I had of the second lens (which is placed on top of each column of calcite) in the eyes of the trilobites. Thus
concluded Mr. Clarkson: [8] Trilobites at the beginning of the Cambrian, and had solved the problem of aberration of lenses, the delicate question of approach to different distances, had made in their eyes the models of Descartes and Huygens, applied the principle of phenate, Abbé law, the laws of refraction and Snell all known optical birefringent crystal.
seems sufficient.
We can not name the eye of the shrimp with the trilobites lived in the seas of the primary and who were trained by a sophisticated system of mirrors that reminds the reader of bar code which is usually built into the counter Box of existing supermarkets. [9]
[1] Darwin Ch. "The Origin of Species." P. 1988 Espasa Calpe. 230.
[2] H. Hass. "From fish to man." Salvat 1987. pg. 48 to 58. Sir G.
De Beer. "Atlas of Evolution, Nelson. London 1964.
Dawkins [3] About Euglena photosensitive organ, see: Diehn and Tollin, Arizona Univ. Atome - 249, December 1967.
[4] G. Rattray. "The great mystery of evolution" Edit. 1983 Metro. pg. 94 to 97.
[5] Towe, Kenneth, "The eyes of trilobites: calcified lenses in vivo", Science - 179 - 1007 to 1973.
[6] Ricardo Levi-Setti , "Trilobites: a photographic atlas. " Univ Chicago Press - 1975.
[7] aplanatic is called a lens with a socket so that all light rays coming from the same point when passing the lens will meet in one focus, without any distortion or aberration.
[8] ENK Clarkson, "Invertebrate Paleontology", Allen and Unwin, London, 1979.
[9] G. Rattray. op. cit. pg. 97 - 100c

Esquema del ojo human. Image: www.fisicanet.com
The complicated sophistication around the eye and vision system that accompanies it, already worried Darwin himself mentioned the problem of vision, saying that sometimes " took away the dream. " In the first editions of his book "The Origin of Species", boasting of sincerity, wrote:
"If you could prove the existence of any complex organ could not have formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory fall apart completely. "
Later in the sixth edition of his book, considered as the "definitive", Darwin, and more emboldened by knowing Haeckel publications and other colleagues who supported him completely changed perspective and wrote:
"seems absurd in every way, I confess spontaneously, suppose that the eye, with all his inimitable down to bring the focus to different distances, for admitting light and variable amount for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have formed by natural selection ...... But reason tells me that if they can demonstrate there are many gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect eyes, each degree useful to the animal that possesses it, as indeed; if in addition the eye ever varies and the variations are inherited, as is also true, and if these variations are useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection even though insuperable to our imagination, should not be considered as destructive of our theory. " [1]
is clear that Mr. Darwin was a master of rhetoric, so if we understand correctly, if we can find among all living things, different types of eyes from what can be understood as a body vision "simple", to what our eye can be "complex" and demonstrated that our eye has arisen for a number of modifications, or "beneficial bugs" from the organ of vision simple. Well despite the obvious absurdity of that conclusion from those premises, there have been eminent scientists who have established, as the idea of \u200b\u200bDarwin, this list of "ancestors" of our eye. [2]
They all seem to agree that the simpler visual organ is the one with the Euglena, [3] which is a type of protozoan flagellate, sometimes confused with algae. Lives in fresh water and has a photosensitive organelle lets you target the direction from which light arrives.
• In first place, it seems possible to see what advantage has meant to the Euglena have this organelle, as calm as still living together with other algae and other protozoa that have no photosensitive organelle.
• In second place would have to prove that the Euglena lived in remote times when life began, and check that I had the photosensitive organelle.
• Third would have to explain why it has evolved since then.
• And fourth, should demonstrate how you can go from this organelle to our sophisticated eye with its lens, the iris, the retina, her pupil, her tear ducts, eyelids, eyelashes, their photoreceptors, their muscles to focus, their optic nerves, brain mechanisms for the interpretation of the images, the arteries that supply everything, etc. etc. And to answer that "it is possible with the passage of millions of years" is not answering anything, just using a loophole.

■ EYE of trilobites
Let's discuss the case of the eye of trilobites, and thus, we considered settled this matter. You could write millions of pages to remove the assumption of gradualism, but we believe that what we said and with this example is sufficient.
Trilobites are considered highly organized the first animals that inhabited the primitive seas, their fossils are fairly abundant and well studied. The oldest appears at the beginning of the Cambrian period, and were very abundant until at least the Permian, virtually the entire era Primaria.
is therefore expected that, having appeared so early in the earth, its vision system to be quite "simple", according to the Darwinian theory, but reality once more, it seems that does not fit. Consider what is known of the "primitive" visual system of trilobites. To this end, we summarize the well-documented presentation that makes this issue Mr G. Rattray. [4]
Trilobites belonging to the arthropods, have eyes that consist of a bundle of columns, each with its lens on the top, and the photoreceptor at the bottom, and the whole beam is protected by a cornea. The columns are not completely parallel, but fan out, each run in one direction, the combination does not produce an image like that is our eye, each column produces its own image. Have been able to count in some eyes of trilobites fossils up to 770 columns.
In 1973, Towe Keenneth [5] published an interesting study that stated that the eyes of trilobites consisted of calcite crystals with column-shaped, lined with exquisite precision. Removed the eye of a fossil with a microscope could see that as the column to focus, producing a clear and crisp but varied from one column to another, each "focused" to a different distance, allowing the trilobites have both a set of sharp images of everything around him, from what it was several millimeters from his eye to what was in the distance.
until now been assumed that these crystals of calcite that "stuffed" the eye of trilobites were the result of the fossilization process, but as Towe found in most modern fossil arthropods, whose eyes have appeared filled with calcite crystals, they were arranged without any order, and not let in light. For a calcite crystal miss the light, it is essential that the glass is exactly aligned with the direction of the ray of light entering it, otherwise the beam of light begins to bounce off the walls and breaks down into various colors . But in the eye of trilobites, each calcite crystal transmits light with the transparency of glass. So Towe demonstrated, with several cases, calcite crystals in the eyes of trilobites was his way of seeing, not a result of fossilization. But not even stop.

In the same year took place in Oslo 1973 International Conference on trilobites. There, R. Levi-Setti [6] said the whole affair of the eye of trilobites with Professor Clarkson, who, back to Edinburgh University where he worked, began to spin until he found the "Traité de la lumiere" of Christian Huygens published in 1690, the description of an aplanatic lens [7] produces no aberration ball, which was similar to drawings of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes of trilobites that had left Levi-Setti. After
, Clarkson found in "geometry" of Descartes, published in 1637, other pictures of another model to correct lens aberrations, different from Huygens, but it coincided with the pictures I had of the second lens (which is placed on top of each column of calcite) in the eyes of the trilobites. Thus
concluded Mr. Clarkson: [8] Trilobites at the beginning of the Cambrian, and had solved the problem of aberration of lenses, the delicate question of approach to different distances, had made in their eyes the models of Descartes and Huygens, applied the principle of phenate, Abbé law, the laws of refraction and Snell all known optical birefringent crystal.
seems sufficient.
We can not name the eye of the shrimp with the trilobites lived in the seas of the primary and who were trained by a sophisticated system of mirrors that reminds the reader of bar code which is usually built into the counter Box of existing supermarkets. [9]
[1] Darwin Ch. "The Origin of Species." P. 1988 Espasa Calpe. 230.
[2] H. Hass. "From fish to man." Salvat 1987. pg. 48 to 58. Sir G.
De Beer. "Atlas of Evolution, Nelson. London 1964.
Dawkins [3] About Euglena photosensitive organ, see: Diehn and Tollin, Arizona Univ. Atome - 249, December 1967.
[4] G. Rattray. "The great mystery of evolution" Edit. 1983 Metro. pg. 94 to 97.
[5] Towe, Kenneth, "The eyes of trilobites: calcified lenses in vivo", Science - 179 - 1007 to 1973.
[6] Ricardo Levi-Setti , "Trilobites: a photographic atlas. " Univ Chicago Press - 1975.
[7] aplanatic is called a lens with a socket so that all light rays coming from the same point when passing the lens will meet in one focus, without any distortion or aberration.
[8] ENK Clarkson, "Invertebrate Paleontology", Allen and Unwin, London, 1979.
[9] G. Rattray. op. cit. pg. 97 - 100c
Semogil June 13, 2010 - Feast of San Antonio de Padua.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Membership Fees At La Boxing
eye MUTE THE CRICKETS - Live Evolution
A recent
In the books of evolution and sociobiology, there are millions of stories like this, but have a problem, belong to the genre of science fiction. Even assuming that what is really happening in that story is told of crickets, so it can be taken as scientific evidence of evolution, would prove seriously:
- That for thousands of years, not live on that island, flies, crickets "singers" and the crickets' dumb. "
- That in the genome of cricket "mute" there is a mutation responsible for ensuring that their wings do not produce sound.
- That the flies are blind, because if not also attack the cricket "dumb" to approach the singer.
- That the cricket "mute" has the "spirit of the rapist" is attributed, as is usually the female who chooses the male that mates.
- The duration of mating of cricket "singer" with the female for several days, in order to justify that cricket will die before "consumption" because of the development of fly larvae in their body (this is so absurd laughable, but it is essential, since otherwise be reproduced normally and die within a few days, something must die crickets).
- What did the cricket "dumb" to have children before "invented" this method the assault. Or at least show that the spirit of assault is imposed for the same mutation.
- that the offspring of cricket "dumb" can do "cri-cri."
- Etc.
I made this same criticism could have done others, but for the seriousness of this issue and give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weakness of the evolutionist claims, that's enough.

A recent
student presented me a case that had been proposed by a defender of evolution in a discussion, is another of the thousands of stories of "mutations", adaptations and natural selection that we usually find. The issue was the follower, because the student transcribe literally made me the written consultation:
"crickets Kauai, an island in the Hawaiian islands, are undergoing rapid change is depriving them of their ability to" cri- cri. " Apparently, a fly males located by their song and introduces them their larvae, which then grow inside the poor cricket and kill him.
A "mutation" that prevents the development apparatus of normal males have in the wings. Crickets bearers of this "mutation" with wings flat and are unable to produce its distinctive sound when rubbed. "Mutation" was very bad before because the males attract females by singing, and an individual without "cri-cri" could not wait too long reproductive success. But if a male does not "sing", parasitic flies can not locate it.
The "mutation wings smooth, support survival, but to be favored by natural selection, should also allow playback. How they have managed the males 'dumb' for mate?. According to the researchers "?, Seemingly intelligent behavior has saved them: the males 'dumb' are located near the few males who can still" sing "and" assault "females who are attracted by the sexual signal of poor singing . As the crickets that go extinct in this island first can do "cri-cri" and then dumb. " Grillo
common image: http://recuerdosdecabezondelasal.files.wordpress.com
"crickets Kauai, an island in the Hawaiian islands, are undergoing rapid change is depriving them of their ability to" cri- cri. " Apparently, a fly males located by their song and introduces them their larvae, which then grow inside the poor cricket and kill him.
A "mutation" that prevents the development apparatus of normal males have in the wings. Crickets bearers of this "mutation" with wings flat and are unable to produce its distinctive sound when rubbed. "Mutation" was very bad before because the males attract females by singing, and an individual without "cri-cri" could not wait too long reproductive success. But if a male does not "sing", parasitic flies can not locate it.
The "mutation wings smooth, support survival, but to be favored by natural selection, should also allow playback. How they have managed the males 'dumb' for mate?. According to the researchers "?, Seemingly intelligent behavior has saved them: the males 'dumb' are located near the few males who can still" sing "and" assault "females who are attracted by the sexual signal of poor singing . As the crickets that go extinct in this island first can do "cri-cri" and then dumb. " Grillo

In the books of evolution and sociobiology, there are millions of stories like this, but have a problem, belong to the genre of science fiction. Even assuming that what is really happening in that story is told of crickets, so it can be taken as scientific evidence of evolution, would prove seriously:
- That for thousands of years, not live on that island, flies, crickets "singers" and the crickets' dumb. "
- That in the genome of cricket "mute" there is a mutation responsible for ensuring that their wings do not produce sound.
- That the flies are blind, because if not also attack the cricket "dumb" to approach the singer.
- That the cricket "mute" has the "spirit of the rapist" is attributed, as is usually the female who chooses the male that mates.
- The duration of mating of cricket "singer" with the female for several days, in order to justify that cricket will die before "consumption" because of the development of fly larvae in their body (this is so absurd laughable, but it is essential, since otherwise be reproduced normally and die within a few days, something must die crickets).
- What did the cricket "dumb" to have children before "invented" this method the assault. Or at least show that the spirit of assault is imposed for the same mutation.
- that the offspring of cricket "dumb" can do "cri-cri."
- Etc.
I made this same criticism could have done others, but for the seriousness of this issue and give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weakness of the evolutionist claims, that's enough.
Semogil June 4, 2010
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