Curiosa image, Darwin appears asking to keep a secret, Image: martin-pacheco.com
We can not understand adecuadamente los ensayos de Darwin sobre el origen de las especies y sobre el origen del hombre, ni dar debida razón de la expansión de sus ideas, si no encuadramos los libros en su contexto. Para ello, voy a recurrir a una analogía que podrá parecer exótica a algunos, pero si la consideran por un momento, observarán que se muestra muy significativa.
Los seres humanos conocíamos de los planetas del sistema solar hasta Saturno, el ojo humano, los aparatos ópticos usados en la antigüedad, y los telescopios de Galileo o Kepler, no fueron capaces de localizar -descubrir- la existencia de otros planetas en el sistema solar.
El nombre que recibe un nuevo astro, le es impuesto por su descubridor, por lo que no cabe devise a personal plan humans through the centuries.
In 1781, astronomer William Herschel discovered a new planet from the Sun than Saturn, Uranus and called him. Eight years later, Klaproth, a rare mineral discovered in the existence of a hitherto unknown element, which contains more matter, and called Uranium. Just in the same year, 1789, saw the French Revolution, in which, like all other revolutions, some smart-ass cheated and used the town to eliminate those who sent, and put them in place. But far more important than that was the desecration of the cathedral of Paris, the image of Our Lady "Notre Dame "was thrown into the Seine, and a famous prostitute, scantily clad, was enthroned in the chapel of the Cathedral, and before it is" celebrated "a ceremony of what they called the new cult, which paid tribute in person of the prostitute, which they called "goddess of reason."
Los seres humanos conocíamos de los planetas del sistema solar hasta Saturno, el ojo humano, los aparatos ópticos usados en la antigüedad, y los telescopios de Galileo o Kepler, no fueron capaces de localizar -descubrir- la existencia de otros planetas en el sistema solar.
El nombre que recibe un nuevo astro, le es impuesto por su descubridor, por lo que no cabe devise a personal plan humans through the centuries.
In 1781, astronomer William Herschel discovered a new planet from the Sun than Saturn, Uranus and called him. Eight years later, Klaproth, a rare mineral discovered in the existence of a hitherto unknown element, which contains more matter, and called Uranium. Just in the same year, 1789, saw the French Revolution, in which, like all other revolutions, some smart-ass cheated and used the town to eliminate those who sent, and put them in place. But far more important than that was the desecration of the cathedral of Paris, the image of Our Lady "Notre Dame "was thrown into the Seine, and a famous prostitute, scantily clad, was enthroned in the chapel of the Cathedral, and before it is" celebrated "a ceremony of what they called the new cult, which paid tribute in person of the prostitute, which they called "goddess of reason."

Engraving of the goddess of reason. Image: hermetismoymasoneria.com
Another argument to show my point, is the first constituent assembly of the French parliament, one might think that came together to distribute among the people all looted from the palace of the king and aristocracy freshly guillotined, but it was not the first round of the French parliament after the revolution, was to decide by majority vote, whether God exists or not, evidently, decided that God does not exist.
is significant overlap in time and the analogy between the meaning of the French Revolution and the mythological story of Uranus. This, being the youngest son of Cronus (heaven) and Gaea (earth)-the same way that France was known as the favorite child of the Church at the behest of his mother Gaia, cut the testicles to his father Short place from which he comes, the same way, the revolutionary leaders, drawn by his more land, cut the sky, cut the place from which, Christianity, break the sky for a roof of the man placed his ability to reason, man land, imposed on the heavenly man.
Seeing things like that, is better understood that some say that the current government of Spain is the last gasp of the French Revolution. Some years later
course, was a Frenchman, who, using his reason, by mathematical calculation of the shocks suffered Uranus in its orbit, which inferred the existence, discovered and named to the planet Neptune in 1846. Neptune, mighty God of the deep sea of \u200b\u200bthe unknown world that comes to light.
West discovers Neptune and begin a cascade de acontecimientos que impelen al hombre a dejar de mirar al cielo, incluso a seguir los dictados de la razón y lo ponen a mirar a lo más ruín de sí mismo, al hombre sin luz, sin la luz del Espíritu Santo.
Para empezar, ese mismo año del descubrimiento de Neptuno, se reúnen en Berlín, en casa del físico Gustaf Magnus, varios científicos, casi todos alumnos de Johannes Müller, y con la intención de hacer de la fisiología una ciencia exacta, se comprometen bajo juramento para colaborar expandiendo la verdad, según la cual, en los seres vivos no actúan más fuerzas que las debidas a las propiedades físicas y químicas de los elementos que los componen.
Qué curioso, failed to perceive the absurdity of their position, how can it be due to physical forces of the atoms of carbon, oxygen or silicon, that human beings commit under oath to anything?, it is a spiritual decision. Blind to not see and are guides of the blind.
Marx writes the capital, condemned the Charity-maximum expression of love of neighbor as anti-revolutionary weapon, and inflames the resentment and hatred of the oppressed. Meets the first international. Darwin, let us not forget, he studied theology, not biology, he writes his books, starting its divine origin of man and placing it in the biological world, such as another animal. Then S. Freud looked the man leans to his subconscious, making the virtuous struggle against the passions in a case of trauma.

is founded the Theosophical Society in America, responsible for expanding throughout the West the occult, divination, tarot, grass pea, and satanic cults. And to top it off, the German philosopher F. Nietzsche, put the epitaph: "God is dead, long live the man."
As we see, what happened in France when Uranus was discovered, laid the foundations of which occurred in the western world with the discovery of Neptune, and all together, led to the events that accompanied the discovery of the next planet in the solar system: Pluto, god of the underworld, who abducted Persephone from the earth, spring.
As we see, what happened in France when Uranus was discovered, laid the foundations of which occurred in the western world with the discovery of Neptune, and all together, led to the events that accompanied the discovery of the next planet in the solar system: Pluto, god of the underworld, who abducted Persephone from the earth, spring.

In 1930 the American Clyde W. Towbaugh, discovers the planet Pluto, on the eve of the Great Depression, which followed the Second World War and the Nazi death camps. In 1940, he gets to artificially radioactive element called plutonium. It launched the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The man shows a dehumanization brutal, the only possible outcome if it is stripped of his filial relationship with God.
In this context, in which I play all about Darwin and evolution, that does not happen to be an attempt to set aside scientific veneer to man what is more essential and turn it into an animal.
I completely agree with Jaki Fra when he writes: "They understand evolution as a random process, not an end but the final result is a being, human beings that absolutely everything he does is done with a purpose. Thus evolution denies to an end. Supports anything that encourages materialism, certainly not science, it is anti-metaphysical. " [1]
[1] Quoted by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn in his book "Case or Disegno?" Edit. Studio Domenicano. Page: 153.
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