Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Effect Of Supplements On Skinny Legs


What is the origin of human races?. Before attempting
closer to that origin, and due to the expansion of nonsense "progressive" today, it seems worth noting that every human being regardless of race, has the same dignity, which is given by its very nature, going down all of the same ancestors, and expressed divine, as all children of God Himself. So that all men have the same dignity to be brothers, both specific and spiritual level. Therefore, we have no qualms about talking about race because it is obvious to our senses and of great importance. Which for its part, thinks that talk of race is to incite to racism, not to speak of them, ignore them, man is free even to settle on stupidity.
Leaving aside the peculiar multi-ethnic, and consider only the three major human races that serve as trunks. All smaller groups can be easily associated one of these three: Negroid race (Africa and Australia), Mongoloid race (central and eastern Asia and much of Oceania) and Caucasian (Europe and western Asia to India).
Very few anthropologists who dare to study the origin, leaving the task to the paleoanthropologists, which so far have failed to give reason to believe the origin of three human races.
Most of them accept without question the evolutionary origin of man from some "semi-shoulder" or "quasi-men" above, but separated several different species of men, linking our existence with the emergence of Homo sapiens, which emerged generally accepted Africa from Homo erectus in some relatively recently that they estimate between 150 and 200 thousand years. This new species Homo sapiens exterminated other species living on Earth and in a few millennia conquered the world diversify in principle to the three major human races. There
paleoanthropologists a small group of mainly Wolpoff of the University of Michigan and some Australian teachers, who support what they call the hypothesis of "multi-regional origin, they have observed certain similarities between different morphological remains of Homo erectus in continent and the distribution of the three major races, they argue that African Homo erectus have features reminiscent of the Negroid people, the Europeans remembered erectus to Neanderthals, erectus and the Far East have features characteristic of the Mongoloid race. Therefore, they propose that Homo sapiens is not from a single trunk, it has become in Africa and Asia, from the erectus who lived there, and if Europe and the Middle East the process has been different, from the Neanderthals emerged erectus and they us. If we accept a common origin for all, must go back before Homo erectus.
Obviously, we do not agree with any of the two hypotheses. First, because according to the answer given to the fundamental question: What is man?, and will be the criterion to distinguish other beings to them outside the human species. The evolutionary paradigm has imposed the belief that there is no specific nature (and talked about this in another post above), and to establish whether two people are of the same species or not, is subjective and so unimportant. There are fewer morphological differences between Neanderthals and modern humans than among homo sapiens in the picture.

We feel a profound mistake to divide the men who have lived on Earth in different species, error can only be attributed to a profound ignorance, or evil intent. Morphological features, usually the only measurable or deducible from human bones found at the sites, can not determine if the man was a man like us or it was (assuming you have there ever been a man who was not man).
Despite the cultural remains that sometimes appear in the deposits, which are brutal significance as an example, in 1966 it was discovered in Slovenia in a camp neanderthal, a fragment of a flute built with a femur of a young bear the caverns. The fragment contains two intact and two holes on each side, in the area where the pipe broke. [1]
This is already a lot to those who argue that the Neanderthal was little more than a monkey music?, impossible!, so I propose that the holes made them a cave bear that bit the bone. [2] Given this, we have taken the trouble to carefully measure the holes in the flute of a bear, the diameter of the bone, the distance between them, and the diameter of the holes, and we proved that these measures three parameters correspond exactly in a ratio of 1.4, with the dimensions of these three parameters in one of the flutes used in the English school music classes. So that four-hole flute perfectly circular, could not be bitten by a bear that had broken the bone chipped.
was tested with a replica of the flute, and can play melodies, and we have also found a great job, experts who have studied instruments that flute, and argue forcefully that the fragment was found to two tones and a semitone diatonic perfectly, and is the oldest document on the use of the musical scale. [3]
For those who still resist, after 30 years of its discovery, has been reconstructed with 31 other flute Neanderthal bone fragments of a mammoth tusk, found in Geissenklösterle (Germany) which is associable perfectly to current or alto flutes. [4] latter, have "dated" in 35,000 years, and the first 70,000. And even with this, there are human beings like us. Some are fools.

Paleoanthropology, it would be much clearer, if you confess that what really study the geographical distribution of human morphological types over time, and leave all these fantasies of human evolution.
[1] Wilford, J. Noble "Playing of Flute May Have Graced Neanderthal Fire" The N. York Time - 29/10/1.996 - B5 and B6.
[2] Stringer, C. and Andrews, P. Op cit. p. 210. Justificar a ambos lados
[3] Atema, Jelle - Boston Univ - http/whyfiles.org/114music/4html
"Evidence of the origin of the diatonic scale" - www.greenwych.ca / fl-compl.htm.
To see good pictures of the flutes, see online: "Flute - Neanderthal."
[4] Comas, Jose - "El País" January 7, 2005. "A Neanderthal flute."
Semogil December 7, 2010


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