Sunday, January 30, 2011

Carving Benches And Tables

very red red

say, in the biography of Laforet: physical inability to write, repulsion of the flesh. There also exist that otherwise physically unable to do so, each issue of life is this polarity.
The horror writing has to do with the strangeness of what one produces, because you're never sure what will be created if a snake twisting and devour us a lick or a bird flying toward light.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Fix Inventory Turnover?


Knight Hindu. Image:


of the questions we did in the first inning of this series, this is the most difficult question to answer because unravel the mechanism, is to unravel an important part of the essence of human nature. I will try to approach quietly.
has tried to explain this diversification, considering the well-known evolutionary argument of random mutation and geographic isolation of populations for many millennia.
Regarding mutations, I insist that genes contain the information to assemble proteins, no plans or designs of beings, and the evidence I refer, all attempts have been made so far to find genes in the response, have been disappointing, not only are people with the four blood groups in the three major races, the same applies to any gene you want to compare the percentages vary, but there is no way to find a gene that is a specific race, which has led to say an expert on this subject that "genetically based biogeographical ancestry, assigned to anyone, will be widely distributed and will be accompanied by considerable uncertainties (Pfaff et al., 2004).
For example, genes related to melanin, tyrosine and tyrosinase, three biomolecules involved in the production and regulation of the amount melanin, are similar in blacks and whites. The skin color does not correspond to the genes, but how and how they express themselves. The fervent evolutionists will point that there are other "regulatory genes" which are those that regulate the production or inhibition of these substances in question and if they say press there are other genes that regulate the activation of regulatory genes, and thus cause cause They shall mount up until we left the patience to listen, because if it were as simple as they arise, would be as simple as injecting one of these regulatory genes to the unborn child of a marriage eastern end, and your child would be bold, not just skin, but with all the morphological inferences that race.

regard to geographical isolation, we have found more meaningful is a piece of scholarly work of Professor JP Garrido Roiz in which he quotes an author who raises a hypothesis, based on geographic isolation about the origin of the three races:
"Ignoring the mechanism of the formation process of logs and racial varieties; Von Eickstedt has made an interesting and suggestive theory on how these logs could be formed and varieties, whereas the Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloids were established in Asia during the Pleistocene glaciations to be different sapiens groups isolated by ice-capped mountain ranges in areas to the N and S of a boundary formed by the Himalayas and mountains of Persia, Anatolia and the Caucasus, while the area to the N divided in turn other two areas, East and West, by the glaciers to the north of Lake Baikal and Altai. In these three areas, the factors noted above have resulted in determining the characteristics of each of these trunks, giving rise to the Negroid S of the Himalayas, the Caucasoid W of Lake Baikal and Altai, and the Mongoloid E, or is, in the east. The aboriginal stock, represented by weddoides Australoids and would have begun its spread before the Pleistocene and, therefore, before differentiation leading to different trunks, why it is difficult to classify in any of the known logs. "
I find the idea worth considering, but focuses on two details that I disagree, first is that differentiation based on the Homo sapiens apart from the men above, as if they were of another species and all of the same race, and second that raises this distinction in the Pleistocene glaciations, too close to my vision.
Once this look at what you can find out there, I will try to provide some ideas about it.
1 - If an individual or group of a race, is mixed with another race, their morphology is being diluted, so that if a child of a mixed marriage is 50% of each race, is a mestizo, mestizo children with a natural area and only have 25% of the first race, and so three or four generations diluted built race, does not alter the predominant race.
2 - There are many social conditions, cultural, linguistic, etc. That influence mate choice, even if they spend enough to see how the centuries in South Africa is still black and white, and the U.S. There are blacks, and whites, whites, Aryans Polish and Italian Mediterranean. Races and people tend not to mix, and if there is some mixture, diluted easily.

3 - The children show similarities with parents or especially one of the two, hence the saying "you can not deny who you son", this similarity shows not only the face, but in all physiological and morphological organization of the parent body, and this in turn is the result of a specific form of the human form, which is expressed with the help of some genes in a geographic environment and a particular culture.
4 - is typical of a doctoral thesis, an approach to how and when the human spiritual soul created by God, organizes, assumes or call the existence of organized matter that comes from parents. In this regard it should be noted that: "No one man can produce quite specifically human nature, because doing so would cause itself. It just human nature to play in another particular man fathered, and this is prior to making a particular material from which it is a concrete man ... so no created being can produce quite another to be but only because it causes to be in that subject. This requires that what makes this subject is the concrete being, is prior to the action with which the agent does something similar to himself. " [1]
5 - I can not currently move at this point beyond these considerations, I agree with the idea underlying the hypothesis of the origin multi-regional: races have existed at the time of Homo erectus, and prove the morphology of the remains found in the five continents, all resemblance with the races today are natives of those places. How, what made this possible mechanism, we ignore for the moment?.

[1] Aquinas: Summa Theologica I c45 a5 rob1.

Semogil January 25, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Teeth Pulledin One Spot Of The Gums Are White

On Thursday I was in the presentation of " Danger to life "the book of Francisco Martínez Morán, in Alcalá. I have pictures: Agnes took the camera but no card, so there goes that:

I liked to hear that people is capable of swallowing hour news on television and gruesome, however, can not hold an evening of fiction with the same content.
way we are.

It was a great. The empty streets of football and we crammed in there listening library to read the author, as if they were poems, some stories.

I hope everyone likes it as much as me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mc Culloch Weedeater Jets


Our human species crystallized crusts that are advancing relentlessly over the territory. For the sample, Bogotá.

Verjon View from the Lower to the south. In the background: Ciudad Bolivar.

Left of the Hill: Calle 72 Carrera 7a with

up the same hill, this time photographed from west to east, from the street 72. The antenna is in the background Verjon Bass are taken from the rest of the photos.

Eldorado Airport
Mosquera Flood
Ciudad Bolivar
Adriana and Andrew, with the city below.

Click on the photos

The Verjon Under the hill that looks to the bottom, on the green needles of the Church of the Porziuncola in the street 72.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Much Tax On A Used Boat In Canada



order to find a meaningful answer to that question, which deals with numbers, we can only resort to mathematics who knows, understands and uses, and the symbology, the latter is not studied as such in any university, and although some may seem a kind of subjective knowledge and without real foundation, we can see how if you do not fantasize, is very real and close.
First, why is not appropriate that there was only one race within the human species?. As the man an embodied spirit, with a body subject to corruption, required the multiplicity of individuals: "In the incorruptible beings (angels, archangels, etc..), no more than an individual of a species, because the species is conserved enough in one way only. However, in beings subject to generation and corruption, many individuals of a species to conserve the species. " [1]
The number one, is the first and generates all the others for addiction, uniqueness makes himself back on his roots, his powers. Does not affect other numbers if multiplied or divided by it ... It seems more appropriate to the Creator, the origin, that the creatures. It was very convenient
the existence of more than one race, to drive the attention of man towards his own interior and into the other, if we are morphologically so different, what makes us truly human, what matters, what we have in common is within , is hidden.
why it is inappropriate for two human races exist?
Number two is the torque, is the generator of the multiplication is closely related to surfaces, but is not able to enclose any, is like a door, a step to something else, to another site.

Duality; image:

Duality can be meant in two ways, first is that of opposites, like light and darkness, cold and heat, white and black, joy and sadness etc. In all these cases, one of the two opposites has no real existence, is simply the absence of others what we call by that name. The second way is that two "equal", inevitably sooner or later, this duality leads to confrontation, opposition competitive. Subjectivity does something different from other self, makes him the enemy, yet they are not.
Why is proper and appropriate that there were three human races?.
The number three is the letter omega, the last placed vertically. As much as they multiply, all the numbers generated by it, stored in the sum of its figures, the number three. The exponent three, the "bucket" refers to bodies with volume, existence and dimensions as the three space coordinates.
The three is the number that is capable of expressing more harmonious figure (after the circle reserved for the heavenly bodies), the equilateral triangle, the perfect triangle, which is also generated by the union of two triangles joined at their more leg, two perfect triangles, with angles of 30, 60 and 90 degrees. The equilateral triangle is the symbol of harmony, balance between the two pans of the scale. In astrology, the planets are placed in the sky in a trine, harmonize and enhance respectively. In a sporting event, the competition between the two rivals, harmonized by the figure of the referee. In a trial prosecutor and defendant are the solution for the figure of the judge. In a marriage, tensions and clashes are harmonized by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

As the man the only creature created in the image and likeness of God, the Triune God, God ordained that had three major races of man by way of the three divine persons: "Defending the man was made only image of the Son is wrong, first because as the Son is like the Father in essence equal, having been made man in the image of the Son, it would have been in the image of the Father. And second because if the man had been made only in the image of the Son, the Father had not said "Let us make man in our image," but your own image. [2]
Whether we can later analyze how they are formed the three major human races, the "how" are never the strong wind, then: "The diversification and the multitude of things from the intention of the first agent , which is God. Then things took place in being, for your kindness, that informed the creatures and to represent them. And since that goodness could not be properly represented by a single creature, he produced many and diverse, so that what was lacking in each to represent the divine goodness, were supplied by others. [3]
There are thus three human races by divine will, as a hallmark of the man's likeness to the Holy Trinity and for the good, wealth and harmony of the human species.
The number four is a game of two, is more related to the measurement of time, seasons, phases of the moon, the strength of the square.
The number five is for the beauty of the flowers and echinoderms.
The number six is \u200b\u200ba set of three, the hexagon is generated by two equilateral triangles.
The seven is reserved for the harmony of the senses, the colors of the spectrum, musical notes and so on. Eight is
vertical infinity, is for those who entered the ark, is the Day of Resurrection, the intermediate step between the square and circle, between earth and sky.
The number nine is a double set of three.

[1] Aquinas: Summa Theologica I C47 a2 sun.
[2] Aquinas: Summa Theologica I c93 a5 rob4.
[3] Aquinas: Summa Theologica I C47 a1 sun.
Semogil January 14, 2011.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Do Fondant Ballet Shoes


I think it's the second time I put this video

another sad today.

As the Cicada lyrics María Elena Walsh

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Benefits From Not Masterbateing * Cries *


Civilization in crisis

The effects of climate change on different regions of the world show that we are in an acute phase (while serious) and announced an inevitable crisis of human civilization, and particularly the so-called "Western civilization", which for generations has been imposed in a particular way of understanding the world and interact with their dynamics.

snowfall late last year and earlier this have overcome the resilience of countries like Russia, which in the past sided with the cold to beat the armies of Napoleon and of Hitler. In the United States, Europe and China, where severe winters are a normal expression of climate variability, systems collapse of land and air transport, with serious damage to economies and for the normal daily activities. In Japan the snow sinking a fishing fleet. In southern South American continent, heat wave, which is also a normal expression of climate variability in this time of year, "busting" the capacity of power generating companies to meet demand for air conditioning. Thousands of birds and other animals die mysteriously mass in different latitudes of the planet. (January 1914: Now Brazil, Sri Lanka ... the list of countries unsuitable for climate dynamics increases by the hour.)

The 'ecological footprint' of development, as we understand and we hold today

News of many of the current processes repeat verbatim what happened in late 2009 and early 2010 in the same places in the world. In 2003 a heat wave caused directly or indirectly, the death of about 50 thousand people in Europe. Apparently, that future we expected as a result of climate change, and became a terrible present.

This crisis of civilization is not only paradigms (with all that that implies in the medium and long term), as were those that triggered the 'Copernican revolution' that displaced the Earth, and with it the human being from the center of the Earth into a peripheral position in the solar system, or 'Darwinian revolution' that moved him from the center of "The Creation" and forced us to recognize us as one species (or rather, as a stage) in the evolution of life on Earth.

The effects of this crisis of civilization may have more in common with that caused the fever (or other 'pests') in Europe in the Middle Ages and in the past and later. Probably Earth moving from center to the periphery of the solar system did not produce immediate effects metieran you people at home, as if they are doing now water and mud in thousands of homes and other buildings in Colombia , Venezuela, Australia and Brazil. Although, of course, Galileo could expose several arguments to refute.

We are facing a crisis of paradigms, which like the others mentioned, should lead to the human species to reconsider his arrogance, but also to a crisis with very short-term effects, requiring Governments and societies to act quickly to try at least to protect human lives and alleviate the immediate trauma. It is a crisis of paradigms and world views, while a very serious environmental and humanitarian crisis.

Colombia, of course, no exception to the local effects of the global crisis. At this time the country is the worst disasters that have affected history, from the point of view of the extent compromised. Colombia's inability to absorb the effects of a strong winter season are manifesting from La Guajira to and from Nariño Norte de Santander to the Chocó. (In the Llanos Orientales, paradoxically, warns about the danger of forest fires). Nothing is happening in the country right now is unprecedented (with disastrous floods in the Caribbean, breaking the Canal del Dique, landslides in urban and rural areas of the Andean region, etc..), But what is new is that everything happens at once and with an intensity so overwhelmed.

failed Systems

We are surprised, we are embarrassed and frustrated us who, in my case condition of a mere citizen, have contributed to the construction of the System National Disaster Prevention and Response (which began to build from the disaster of Armero in 1985 and acquired the legal life Act 46 of 1988 and Decree-Law 919 of 1989), and the construction of National Environmental System (created by Act 99 of 1993), two systems that have not been able to reduce the progression of the vulnerability of the country compared to the normal dynamics of nature, much less to the relatively rare. The mere fact that they are two different systems and not just one, and yields clues about the reasons for failure. The same is true of other systems, with good theoretical basis but with very low efficiency, were created in Colombia to address other areas and activities for development: they have not been able to reduce country's vulnerability to multiple natural and human dynamics, for the same vulnerability, they become threats.

Environmental management and risk management have tried, without success finally, give it an address less harmful to economic development.

The Government is now moving with the speed necessary to meet the emergency triggered by the La Nina phenomenon (although we must also recognize that this disaster, which for most of the country it became clear in late October and early November, and is clearly envisioned and has affected many communities at least since April last year). Steps have been taken to ensure resources are exceptionally high in the range of several trillion (million million) dollars. The Government, playing the whole of society has expressed a priority the need to ensure that these resources are not stolen , and it has taken several important steps that we hope to be effective. I, of course, I share the concern of government and society, but I worry also how and by what criteria and priorities are going to invest the resources saved from theft.

Czar What to think?

So far I have not seen any official document that establishes the social and territorial approach that will to carry out the reconstruction of the area affected by the disaster, but the article's central journal WEEK started to run from Saturday 8 January, seems to have some progress.


What he meant the one titled the article in which we presented to Dr. Jorge Londono, the banker appointed to lead the country's reconstruction? Because as far as I remember, at least the last Tsar did not do well ...

In this article we present the profile and the vision of bankers, industrialists and other entrepreneurs who will lead the reconstruction, and we say, for example, " that this is the time to think largest in the country's infrastructure, which has decades of backwardness. Therefore, at this stage to do tunnels, viaducts, divided highways, railways and airports better, that would allow a more competitive economy for trade and more attractive for foreign investment. "

¿No es este, precisamente, el modelo de desarrollo que al mismo tiempo genera más cambio climático y una mayor vulnerabilidad frente al mismo?

En otras palabras, colocar como centro de la reconstrucción el fortalecimiento del modelo de desarrollo que a nivel planetario está conduciendo a la catástrofe. Claro: afirma también el artículo que el gobierno es consciente de que es necesario “proteger las laderas de los ríos” y “que las viviendas de alto riesgo se trasladen para anticiparse a una catástrofe”. But then, in very great extent, both rivers and the communities have been abused, precisely because of the realization of this model of development that is exacerbated today to stave off disaster.

This confirms the view of Mr. Secretary General of the Presidency when he tells WEEK: "This is a unique opportunity to do the works that the country needs, but them well done, and to gain time, because maybe without this tragedy, many of the works would follow the slow progress so typical in Colombia. "

With very good reason, the economist Luis Jorge Garay proposed late last year to merge the different policy displaced by violence and the people affected by the winter, partly because in many cases are the same, both in the Caribbean, and Pacific and the Andean region. View: VIEWER

What we are witnessing today, that vulnerability that keeps the country absorb without injury the effects of La Niña and to prevent future successfully resist climate change is the result of a systematic shift not only in human communities and of traditional cultures, but also the ecosystem, wetlands, plant and animal species essential to the integrity of the land, rivers and streams. This shift and this disaster is the result of the way it has been designed and is implementing the development in the country physical kicking against the ecosystems and communities.

Panama: an example of compulsive construction of threats and vulnerabilities. Colombian coastal towns are there ... or have arrived.

The Government has created a "Fund for Reconstruction and Climatic Adaptation" , for example in the Caribbean region will be given by Dr. Hernán Martínez, a prestigious executive and former minister Mines and Energy of the Uribe government. The map below, prepared by economist Guillermo Rudas based on information from Weber County, show the practical effects of the design and development of the territory that has this man to be in their hands the reconstruction and adaptation to climate change in this important and battered region of Colombia:

As can be seen, during the eight years of the previous government, the ministry of Dr. Martinez imposed on the country unilaterally and without consultation with communities in these territories, mining a target which affects more than half the country (in those maps missing the territories where it will begin to seek the famous coltan), including most of the Andean and coastal ecosystems that the State itself, through the Second National Communication on Climate Change (IDEAM, June 2010) is considered as strategic for country's adaptation to climate change challenges.

The map below (this the Ministry of Housing, Environment and Territorial Development) shows how overlapping mining rights previously granted on various National Parks Natural and other protected areas. Not to mention the effect of these titles on the communities that inhabit those areas or ecosystems that are strategic for their daily survival.

Source: MAVDT

And the following map of the same ministry, adds to the previous titles miners at this time are requested:

Source: MAVDT

where such securities are issued in more than half of Colombia will not be materially space free or to plant a bush.

Finally, look at the map below with which the National Agency of Hydrocarbons, Ministry of Mines, tendered in June last year, 48 million hectares of Colombian territory to be dedicated to exploration and oil exploitation:

Source: National Hydrocarbons Agency

As I have noted elsewhere , 48 million hectares (or more accurately 47'665 .054) equal to 10 times the size of Costa Rica and 1,231 times the built up area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bogotá.

What criteria, then it will rebuild the Caribbean region and the rest of the country and what approaches and priorities are to "adapt" to climate change territory, their ecosystems, their institutions and communities?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where To Rent Animals New York



Before delving into this mysterious subject, it seems appropriate to recall some issues but I have already discussed in other posts, you sure are not present in the mind of who may read this.
1 - It is not the same The way that the morphology. The form is distinctive of all individuals of the human species, it is up to nature, is related to its essence, when I come from far away to a human being, I feel it is a human being even though I can not distinguish their morphology, do not know if it's black, high or has curly hair, but it sure is not a hippopotamus, or a dog or a chimpanzee. But even this picture is not complete understand what I mean. If I hear a few words, I know that is a human being who pronounces them. If I read a book, it has been a human being who wrote it, if I find a carved bone, it has been a human being who has done, because all that and more up to nature, to the human form, that my intellect knows, and that allows me to distinguish the human from what is not.
If we speak of human races, we discuss the morphological variety that exists among individuals of the human species, varieties in terms of its appearance, its features and even a general or statistical level, a certain proportion of its parts or internal physiological differences minor. In any case we refer to varieties in the human form, which is unique and specific.
Saharan image of a child to reach Europe. Image:

2 - is an endlessly repeated thesis that genes are responsible for the morphology. But that view has proved unfounded, now that more is known about the genes and function of DNA we know that genes contain the information to assemble proteins, but do not contain levels of organisms and traits schemes. It is the "genetic development program," the orderly and accurate manner in which genes are activated and off gradually, waterfalls precise cell differentiation, the interaction between mother, the new being and the "memory" cell which "builds" the new being. All this, program memory, order, plan etc. They are pipe dreams, are immaterial, the fact that carbon atoms are used, phosphorus, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other elements arranged in biomolecules to carry out this plan does not entitle us to say that the biomolecules being mounted, the tools are not the artist. The soul is the substantial form of the body. Is the human soul that organizes the human body, DNA, mRNA, tRNA, etc.. are wonderful tools, but are not life, and if anyone doubts this, they leave on the table a lot of chromosomes to see if any living thing is organized.
3 - In the previous post, discard polygenism is not acceptable that the three human races existed as such from the beginning, that would require three different sources, and that seems incompatible with the interfecundidad, with specific histologic features, for example, existence in the three races of the same blood groups, but it seems incompatible with the common spiritual dimension of all human beings, that we have the same understanding, articulated in a similar way as is clear in our communication that can reach deeper levels of abstraction.
Etc. So, let's recap: All human beings share the same essence, we have human form, we differ in matters purely morphological, and we have a common origin.

relevant questions are:

Why there are three major human races and 4 or 7?.
Why yes, it is desirable for something, it reflects any intention?.
How this diversification has taken place?.
How long have these three great races?.
What characterizes each?.
Do all modern human morphological types can be easily associated one of these three groups?.
Can social globalization cover the three races in one?.
are difficult questions, it is certain that today we can not respond fully satisfactory to some, but we will try to get as close as possible to the extent of our forces to a reasonable answer for each. If any reader of the blog is in its interior any more questions, or have any answers, encouragement, go ahead.
Semogil January 9, 2011