Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Fix Inventory Turnover?


Knight Hindu. Image: Elabrazodeloso.foroactivo.com


of the questions we did in the first inning of this series, this is the most difficult question to answer because unravel the mechanism, is to unravel an important part of the essence of human nature. I will try to approach quietly.
has tried to explain this diversification, considering the well-known evolutionary argument of random mutation and geographic isolation of populations for many millennia.
Regarding mutations, I insist that genes contain the information to assemble proteins, no plans or designs of beings, and the evidence I refer, all attempts have been made so far to find genes in the response, have been disappointing, not only are people with the four blood groups in the three major races, the same applies to any gene you want to compare the percentages vary, but there is no way to find a gene that is a specific race, which has led to say an expert on this subject that "genetically based biogeographical ancestry, assigned to anyone, will be widely distributed and will be accompanied by considerable uncertainties (Pfaff et al., 2004).
For example, genes related to melanin, tyrosine and tyrosinase, three biomolecules involved in the production and regulation of the amount melanin, are similar in blacks and whites. The skin color does not correspond to the genes, but how and how they express themselves. The fervent evolutionists will point that there are other "regulatory genes" which are those that regulate the production or inhibition of these substances in question and if they say press there are other genes that regulate the activation of regulatory genes, and thus cause cause They shall mount up until we left the patience to listen, because if it were as simple as they arise, would be as simple as injecting one of these regulatory genes to the unborn child of a marriage eastern end, and your child would be bold, not just skin, but with all the morphological inferences that race.

regard to geographical isolation, we have found more meaningful is a piece of scholarly work of Professor JP Garrido Roiz in which he quotes an author who raises a hypothesis, based on geographic isolation about the origin of the three races:
"Ignoring the mechanism of the formation process of logs and racial varieties; Von Eickstedt has made an interesting and suggestive theory on how these logs could be formed and varieties, whereas the Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloids were established in Asia during the Pleistocene glaciations to be different sapiens groups isolated by ice-capped mountain ranges in areas to the N and S of a boundary formed by the Himalayas and mountains of Persia, Anatolia and the Caucasus, while the area to the N divided in turn other two areas, East and West, by the glaciers to the north of Lake Baikal and Altai. In these three areas, the factors noted above have resulted in determining the characteristics of each of these trunks, giving rise to the Negroid S of the Himalayas, the Caucasoid W of Lake Baikal and Altai, and the Mongoloid E, or is, in the east. The aboriginal stock, represented by weddoides Australoids and would have begun its spread before the Pleistocene and, therefore, before differentiation leading to different trunks, why it is difficult to classify in any of the known logs. "
I find the idea worth considering, but focuses on two details that I disagree, first is that differentiation based on the Homo sapiens apart from the men above, as if they were of another species and all of the same race, and second that raises this distinction in the Pleistocene glaciations, too close to my vision.
Once this look at what you can find out there, I will try to provide some ideas about it.
1 - If an individual or group of a race, is mixed with another race, their morphology is being diluted, so that if a child of a mixed marriage is 50% of each race, is a mestizo, mestizo children with a natural area and only have 25% of the first race, and so three or four generations diluted built race, does not alter the predominant race.
2 - There are many social conditions, cultural, linguistic, etc. That influence mate choice, even if they spend enough to see how the centuries in South Africa is still black and white, and the U.S. There are blacks, and whites, whites, Aryans Polish and Italian Mediterranean. Races and people tend not to mix, and if there is some mixture, diluted easily.

3 - The children show similarities with parents or especially one of the two, hence the saying "you can not deny who you son", this similarity shows not only the face, but in all physiological and morphological organization of the parent body, and this in turn is the result of a specific form of the human form, which is expressed with the help of some genes in a geographic environment and a particular culture.
4 - is typical of a doctoral thesis, an approach to how and when the human spiritual soul created by God, organizes, assumes or call the existence of organized matter that comes from parents. In this regard it should be noted that: "No one man can produce quite specifically human nature, because doing so would cause itself. It just human nature to play in another particular man fathered, and this is prior to making a particular material from which it is a concrete man ... so no created being can produce quite another to be but only because it causes to be in that subject. This requires that what makes this subject is the concrete being, is prior to the action with which the agent does something similar to himself. " [1]
5 - I can not currently move at this point beyond these considerations, I agree with the idea underlying the hypothesis of the origin multi-regional: races have existed at the time of Homo erectus, and prove the morphology of the remains found in the five continents, all resemblance with the races today are natives of those places. How, what made this possible mechanism, we ignore for the moment?.

[1] Aquinas: Summa Theologica I c45 a5 rob1.

Semogil January 25, 2011


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