Saturday, September 29, 2007

What Is Opd And Opf Cmmi Really About

3 .- All cantabricum

cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. gredense (detail provisional) PH669
ex HATCH OF THE KING (Sierra de Gredos, Avila) is a locally
whose leaves External become reddish-pink in autumn. Truly a gem when we consider that this plant is still not determined by science. At the moment it is provisionally awarded the name as a subspecies of the cantabricum, which differs markedly ... Hopefully soon the properly determined, as well as its own species or subspecies or form of the guadarramense ...

cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. gredense (detail provisional) PH355
ex HATCH OF THE KING (Sierra de Gredos, Avila)
is another local form of the previous pero las hojas exteriores son amarillentas y las rosetas mucho menos globulares

Sempervivum cantabricum ssp. urbionense
Para algunos ésta sería una especie y no una subespecie de la cantabricum, llamándola Sempervivum vicentei. Personalmente me quedo con la primera taxonomía, aceptada por Gérard Dumont

Localidad: Pico El Gatón (Picos de Urbión) La Rioja

Localidad: La cebollera en Picos de Urbión (creo which is the province of Soria, but maybe Logroño)

cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. cantabricum Renedo de Curueño (León) arrived in August

So are the same individuals in November (one of the rosettes has a curious light green)

In December
cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. cantabricum
ex SIL CAVES PH72 (León)
This If it is a particular locally ("variety?) with rose colored outer leaves stronger and the rest have the typical brown spot at the tips, they are also a characteristic grayish green. They are really beautiful and very different from the usual subspecies worthy of being studied more closely.

cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. cantabricum ex Leitariegos (León)

cantabricum Sempervivum ssp. guadarramense Sierra de Ayllón (Pico del Lobo)
They reached the UK in August

So in November are now


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