Thursday, May 27, 2010

Travel Trailer Rear Porch

endosymbiosis - another myth

Linn Original drawing Margulis

One of the recent commentators on the blog, proposed as a test case evolution studies which he called "the world's preeminent" Linn Margulis, an advocate of the hypothesis of endosymbiosis, our friendly commentator added that the scientist had shown the evolution of a protein called tubulin.
Last year at the Rome conference Margulis Linn personally heard the exposition of his ideas. Endosymbiosis is (briefly) to raise the origin of some organs of eukaryotic cells (core) from a symbiosis between a cell and other prokaryotes (no nucleus) that are introduced inside and live with it, this thus proposes that:
a) mitochondria before phones were separate bodies of the type alpha type protobacteria Rickettsiae.
b) that chloroplasts were once independent agencies such cyanobacteria.
and c) that bacterial flagella were formerly independent agencies such spirochete.
Without being very thorough, let's analyze a little the matter to see how they test the theories of this "evolutionary global eminence."

picture and diagram of a mitochondrion image:

She argues that both mitochondria and chloroplasts retain their particular DNA, which had as independent but it turns out in the DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts are some areas called "introns" that are characteristic of eukaryotic cells, DNA from prokaryotes do not have introns, and this must be added that mitochondria and chloroplasts when extracted Cell perish. And it also appears that the eukaryotic cells if they removed the mitochondria or chloroplasts, respectively, die, how they could be alive when they slipped the first or the first chloroplast mitochondria?.
This lady forgets what a body and take it apart in pieces as if he could live only a stub.
On the other hand, in relation to the scourge, she has found a body moves as a scourge, called a spirochete, saying that it introduced a part within the bacteria and the rest was out and so came into existence flagellated bacteria.
It turns out that bacterial flagella are composed mainly of a protein called tubulin, and it appears that the spirochete is not formed by proteins of this family, it seems that endosymbiosis is rather the desire that she and her followers have that has been.

Outline of the types of proteins that form a bacterial flagellum. Image:

To make matters worse, it appears that the bacterial flagellum has an exquisite complexity, and consists of a diverse class of molecules that are organized in a similar way as do the wheels of an outboard motor, are proteins that play the role of rotor, other bearings, other seals, other switches, brake etc. This example of the bacterial flagellum has been used enough by supporters of intelligent design. Of course all these types of proteins exist in the spirochetes.
It seems that the world's preeminent had only sought a possible solution to the theoretical challenge for evolutionists is the gap between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism, and as it's smart, and we see that the blind supporters of evolution, give credence to anything, and use these things as evidence, not what they are testing, they would have no serious objections, (it is not the case), and would remain a hypothesis, because who can prove with experiments objectives, testable and verifiable?.
So far, for us, this lady, with all our respect, is very intelligent and ingenious ideas, but not only did not prove anything, but his ideas have enough counter-arguments to be rejected as impossible.
I feel sorry for her adoring fans.
Semogil May 28, 2010.

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Article 44 of the Constitution states that children have the right to love, which is also enshrined in the Preamble to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) when he says "E l child, for the full and harmonious development of his personality, should grow up in a family in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. "

The rights established for children and adolescents, include four dimensions: Existence, Development, Citizenship and Security.

Among the factors that shape the existence ("essential conditions to preserve life"), include "be required" and "To be liked and respected."

The Dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language DRAE define "desirable", in its second sense, as " Craving that happens or does not happen some event. "

The DRAE also defines the word as " feel sexual appetite to someone ", but it is not based on that meaning, but on the other, that the Survey Demographic and Health ENDS, 2005, prepared by PROFAMILIA , says that in Colombia " m enos half of births (46 percent) occurred in the last five years were unwanted at the time. 27 percent of them were allowed, but for later. That is, can be classified as inappropriate. 27 percent were reported openly as junk. This figure has increased by four percentage points compared to the ENDS 2000. "

This means that 54% of men born in the country between 2000 and 2005 definitely were not desired or at least were not at that time.

Of course you can not say that all children who belong to that 54% have been denied the right to love, but it is valid to assume that conditions are more guaranteed to be subjects of that right (and all that that implies) those infants and adolescents whose birth has been desired and not accidental or unwanted openly.

probably based on considerations how are you, chapter "Girls and Boys our priority," the Government Proposal Mockus-Fajardo, said that " Children have the right to be wanted or unwanted, so there is an urgent public policy regarding sexual and reproductive health. "

aberration in clear deployment, Mr. José Obdulio Gaviria, column entitled "Ballad imprecatory against the ready" (El Tiempo, May 25, 2010) asks the following referring to Mockus: "How will we now to explain this Manifesto Pederast?"

aberration " Mr. Gaviria?

Yes, the same dictionary of the Academy of Language defines the word as:

1. Grave error of understanding.

2. act or conduct depraved, perverse, or that deviate from what is accepted as legal.

In this case, both meanings are fully valid.

-------------------------------------------- --------------


Government Proposal Mockus-Fajardo - "Girls and Boys Our Priority"

Column Mr. J. Obdulio Gaviria

ENDS Survey 2005 - See: Planning Fertility

International Convention on the Rights of the Child

Framework for Public Policy and Planning Guidelines for the Development of Children and Adolescents in the City - A Guide for Mayors . DNP - Ministry of Education - Ministry of Social Welfare - ICBF (PAGE 20)

Dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language - Twenty-second edition

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vegetables Upset My Stomach


Es asombroso como juegan con la humanidad, parece que se divierten engañándonos, podría ser hasta gracioso si el nivel intelectual y el sentido crítico de la población fuese el adecuado, pero como mantienen al personal en un letargo intelectual, el asunto es realmente perverso, pues se permiten el lujo de anunciar a bombo y platillo que han creado vida artificial, que han creado la primera célula artificial. ¡Qué cara más dura!.

Pasa como con los contratos o los seguros, lo que realmente vale es la letra pequeña, si uno lee la letra pequeña y entiende algo, se da perfecta cuenta de qué es lo que han conseguido, y en el fondo what they have done is little more than what we could do before, they have succeeded in one part of the process of cell mitosis, DNA from a bacterium, doubling using nucleotides (links which consists of DNA) prepared chemically in the lab, and then doubled that DNA "pieces" synthetic, which have been introduced in other bacteria, along with the natural DNA of the same bacteria. And that's all they have done.
already been formed before DNA fragments with synthetic nucleotides, this time have managed to copy a bit longer, it seems that all the DNA of bacteria, that's all. But imagine the headlines around the world and awards and subsidies that have achieved this already famous scientist if the news is "we have managed to copy a longer piece of DNA."
Mr. Craig Venter, has kept very well wait and see what happens to the bacteria with DNA added, in a newspaper, we have read that the bacteria has diluted their own DNA to keep the synthetic it is necessary to have faith to believe that a living being yours to refuse something change it to something strange. Which side do!, So with all the news about cloning, almost never refer to that being cloned inherits the age of the agency who have taken the core and is unhealthy and short-lived.
In an interview today, Mr. Craig Venter, before the dust has unleashed his way to give the news, said that if it has done is alive or not, is a philosophical, not scientific and he did not come here . If it is a philosophical question, and do not enter, how say you've created life?. Now there will be five years to study philosophy at the university to see if something is alive or dead.

Recreation of a chromosome and DNA. www.biology
As Chesterton said, evolutionists and many other scientists, are specialists in making unproven assumptions in theories and then using that same theory as the basis and test other hypotheses.
The first mistake of many scientists is to confuse DNA with life, because what is alive are the bodies that are very complex, the DNA can not be alive or dead, is a lot of organic molecules, but not a body, and this can prove very evident in two ways: 1) leave as long as a fragment of DNA like a flask, and see if you can double, feed or grow. 2) life is what is a living and do not have a corpse, and to my knowledge, all the cells of the body are well completito DNA, and there is no life. Then the DNA is not life, is one of the components of living organisms, but is not life, and the proof is that in the experiment of which we speak, has had to put the synthetic DNA into a living being.
also confuse things because it is creating something out of nothing, not assembled from parts, that is called build, and do as has been done in this experiment with artificial parts to duplicate natural DNA within a living being (in this case a yeast) is called to manipulate life and to manipulate to create a distance is incomprehensible to some.
many crap we have to bear some scientists who want to be the "priests" of a new postmodern civilization.
Semogil, 23 May 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Leukoplakia Or Thrush

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blackberry Curve Pokemon Theme


Mockus Unfortunate statements against Polo. Especially because we can interpret (many interested in and are interpreted) as a message to the people who is playing in the Polo or sympathetic to that party, in the sense that in the draft Mockus country leads and plays, there is no room for your dreams and contributions. Contributions in this particular case and almost unique in Colombian politics, are energy and human capacity, conviction effective, active hope, proposals enthusiasts.

From the base of the Green Party, which I have approached like many Colombians, without rank or interest to contribute to avert the tragic fate that seems doomed to Colombia, I dare to hope that that was not the intention of our candidate.

As-and I am sure that Mockus intended was not to accuse an entire political party, of sympathizing with the barbarity of the FARC or legitimate. (How will this barbarism, which has it the largest electoral strength of Santos is located in the poorest communities in urban and rural areas!) If someone has condemned explicitly and forcefully to the FARC, has been Petro, along with many other personalities visible and less visible Polo.

Yet Mockus law and policies of the Green Party can decide whether they are programmatic and electoral agreements with other parties. But I would very difficult to understand that the doors, not the Green Party, but of the new Colombia we hope will begin to build from next August 7 (or since Mockus and Fajardo are chosen) will be closed to those who come to them without fulfilling the prerequisite of apostasy .

And as for the first time in a long time, they are opening a real political space to dream, dare to dream even that the cabinet of President Green, to integrate some of the leaders of the Yellow and Red, who we have also heard excellent positions and proposals, fully compatible not only with political discourse but with this concept of life that Mockus is about to become Government.

For my part, I remain firm and will continue Mockus's candidacy, which I hope to not only my vote, but many people convinced of the importance of voting in the upcoming elections for the Green . I do it with arguments based on my own conviction about the proposals Antanas and security he has the cleaning vital skills and experience necessary to carry them out.

What they do not even insinuate to my partners, is to give up their shirts, because that would be incompatible with the appreciation and respect for biodiversity, which should also have its expression in politics.

If past differences, all that diversity together in the recognition that he to life is sacred and the conviction that respect to the public is the foundation of governance and social harmony " why not dream that they can complete the traffic light colors and even increased in some limpid tones of blue and orange?

From these bases where the grass is green, and as spokesman solely from my own dreams, sending into cyberspace is convinced chlorophyll signal .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Free Printable Bill Of Sale For Jet Ski


union with nature also is strength

Protecting nature for nature to protect us


The Green Party's environmental approach is the lifeblood of all our programs and is based on recognition that life and public resources are sacred. These principles will guide the task practical, everyday of all institutions and individuals that make up this country.


Life 'law' is an expression of the right to life. act in a manner consistent with the principle that life is sacred, legal rights and imposes responsibilities. One of them is not to trap us between us or attempt to cheat nature, because in both cases we lost. be "legal" fair play, respecting the rules of the game legally established. When a player is cheating, both the referee and the public must get (and sometimes get us) yellow card.

Quality of life, for life. Nature to which we belong, is composed of various life forms and inanimate. recognize the interdependence of all beings and the value of different life expressions. This of course includes human beings with all the conditions, origins and ages. Thus we understand the environmental equity.

Healthy, human right. Environment and health go hand in hand. Our existence dignity as human beings, the exercise of the right to life "depends on all the country's inhabitants have real access to water with the quality and quantity necessary. We also need clean air, observe the silence (noise is a serious form of pollution), a landscape with which we identify and help us make sense of life, and adequate food, based primarily on what they produce our soil and water. Food species, industrial and medicinal landscapes, cultures, ethnicities, forests, rivers, lakes and seas, are expressions our biodiversity.

A priority is that children, girls and adolescent population of Colombia, are entitled to environments for growth and believe , where rights to exercise the right to present and future.

reforest itself. Also recycled. But mostly Re-training. Living with nature requires a major cultural change. Hence the importance of education, from which begins in the womb to the lifelong learning process that is everyday life. Turning clear from the school, in its broadest sense. Every human action must be preceded by a responsible reflection on the impact it can generate. This also applies to climate change: climate change, cultural change in the personal and institutional.

Cities human, inclusive, safe and healthy. Right now most of mankind is concentrated in urban areas and Colombia is no exception. Therefore one of our priorities is that cities provide the conditions that humans require to meet our material and spiritual needs (environmental quality, clean mobility, job opportunities, recreation, public space, parks, love, coexistence, security, governance .) L The leaders of this campaign has shown, in actual practice, that's a dream can become reality.

also know that city human existence depends on being can live in the country with dignity. urban and rural The two realities are inseparable. farmers should also be an option of life with quality. This is by access to fertile land, incentives and resources for production, access to water and sanitation, housing, comprehensive health adequate education for the field, connections with the rest of the world.

We can no longer debacle: We will strengthen ecological, institutional and socially different urban and rural areas of the country, so we can live without trauma to the dynamics of nature. Of course, we will speak on threats that are generated by human beings and which we can exert more control. In some cases it is necessary to reach the end of the relocation action. must strengthen environmental governance and land use, not impose on nature our priorities, but that we may live with their dynamics. Water, which is the great giver of life, can no longer be a threat to many communities in Colombia that when not suffering from drought, flood sufferers. The rain should be recognized and utilized as a public good for consumption and production.

This issue picks up and fully expresses the title of our environmental agenda: union with nature also is strength we protect nature for nature to protect us.

Besides doing everything possible to avoid having disasters, we know that it is necessary strengthen institutional and social capacity to meet timely and adequately emergencies and disasters that arise . We will do this from the national to the neighborhood and village level.

We welcome any productive activity that you real line with respect to life: a human life and the lives of ecosystems on which we belong. Hence our motto: mine alone that does not pollute , which is available to all other activities in that particular development in the countryside and cities.

In partnership with nature we will consolidate our position in the world (which is privileged in geographical and should be around else) and rebuild our international relations. The good environment has no borders and must serve to create a better environment at the border.

public resources, sacred resources. economic resources for the environment will be carefully implemented and monitored to achieve better environment for nature and to improve the quality of life of people.

We are in a unique moment in history, from which it is possible to present and future for life and not destruction. Men and women of all ages can help spread and strengthen these proposals to become the way of being in the country.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ringworm On Cat Testicles


This tool is considered as authentic, because it is more recent than those of Portugal that we will discuss below and found in Atapuerca. No matter if it's just as "primitive" has not been alone. There

published more than 60 references to human remains or human activity remains uncertain, much older than the first Australopithecus. When I say older, I want to speak for millions of years, it is preferable and less equivocal about traditional stories citing the geological ages, than to number of years.
is certain that among all this information, there will be fraud, but a single reference to true, the whole edifice of human evolution is dissipates like a smoke screen (which is what it is).


In 1860, Professor Carlos Ribeiro responsible for the Geological Survey of Portugal, carried out excavations in the valley of the Tagus estuary near Lisbon. Land found in Miocene [1] a collection of primitive tools of flint and quartzite (which seems to be, are still preserved in the Museum of History Natural de Lisboa). [2]
Ribeiro, was not the only tool that remains found in Miocene, also the French archaeologist Louis Bourgeois found them in Thenay (France). [3]
In Asia, Fritz Noetling geological research department of India, stone tools found in Miocene strata in Burma. [4]
Arriving evolutionary thrust the years, some anthropologists, such as Delgado Neri, successor in office of Carlos Ribeiro, denied the authenticity of the findings, saying that both in Portugal and France, and also in India, the tools were built alone, and spontaneous fractures produced by the weather. [5]
not matter at all that the French anthropologist's Gabriel Mortillet, described the discovery of the skeleton of a modern man in the Miocene of the Midi French. [6]
currently seems to be attracting the interest in these investigations. [7]
So much for that evolutionists can digest, modern men and tools, more than six million years, what to do with the rivers of ink have been spent?.

· THE SKELETONS Lagoa Santa:

Danish archaeologist, Peter Wilhelm Lund, excavated several caves in the area of \u200b\u200bLagoa Santa in Brazil, some of them accompanied by Peter Clausen. Human remains found at 1,850, quite "petrified", together with lithic industry, at the same level had skeletons of extinct animals such as mastodons and giant sloths, with others still living in South America as armadillos and anteaters. One of the skulls found were brought to Denmark.
In 1938, Poch excavated in a nearby cave called Sumidouro, and found, again, human remains and the remains of extinct animals. He gathered the bones that met with Lund at the University of the State in Belo Horizonte. There have been studied by several paleontologists who have found many brands of flesh in the bones of extinct animals. [8]
One of the skulls, with features quite "modern" found by Lund, Melanesian and dolichocephalic with features, has been "dating" in Denmark in 10,000 years by carbon-14 method. [9]
subsequently continued digging in the cave and other close and almost all have found remains of extinct animals with human remains and stone industry of flint, quartzite and quartz. These latest findings are "dated" in 21,000 years by the same method. [10] How
idly dating human remains quite "petrified" [11] by carbon-14 method?. They know perfectly well that this method of "dating" (even accepting that serve for something), does not apply, especially if the remains have been exposed to contamination by fluid flow, let alone in a cave in a limestone massif as the case of Lagoa Santa, in which water flows inevitably fraught with carbonates have to permeate the bones of recent carbon.
And if men are from 10,000 years ago, and giant sloths became extinct at the end of the Pliocene, who fleshing their bones with flint tools?, are the behemoths?.
This is nonsense, but no matter, because they think that this clears vain for evidence that disproves the evolutionary dogma.
That's the issue, continue commenting. In the area of \u200b\u200bLagoa Santa, besides the aforementioned skulls, and newer and are finding things very curious, such as the skull, it will have to invent a new name for another species. Image: by citguero.

[1] - The Miocene date it currently between 6,000,000 and 22,000,000 years.
[2] - Ribeiro, C. "L'homme Tertiaire in Portugal" - Cong. Int. of Antrop. and Arch. Prehistoric - Lisboa - 1884, p. 81-91.
- Ribeiro, C. "Description of several sizes from Flint and quartzite layers of the land of tertiary and Quaternary basins of the Tagus and Sado. Lisbon "- Real Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa. - 1871.
- Ribeiro, C. "On flints, decuverts Miocene land in Portugal" - Cong. Int. of Antrop. and Arch. Prehistoric - Brussels - 1872. p. 95-100.
- Ribeiro, C. "On the geological position of the Miocene to Pliocene strata of Portugal" - Cong. Int. of Antrop. and Arch. Prehistoric - Brussels - 1872. p. 100-104.
[3] - Bourgeois, L. "On the flint bearing Margues considered a human work and discovered in the field of Miocene Thenay" - Cong. Int. of Antrop. and Arch. Prehistoric - Brussels - 1872. p. 81-92.
[4] - Noetling, F. - "On the ocurrences of chpped In The Upper Miocene flints of Burma" - Records of the Geological Survey of India - 1894 p. 101-103.
[5] - Delgado, JF Neri - "The flint tertiary Otta" - Cong. Int. d'Anthrop. et d'Arch. Préhistoriques - x session - 1889. p. 529 to 533.
[6] - De Mortillet - "Le Préhistorique" - Paris - C. Reinwald.
[7] - Michael A. Cremo - "The Excavations of Carlos Ribeiro" - 2,000 - view.
[8] - When you separate the meat with flint tools, as if done with a knife, leave identifiable marks on the bones.
[9] - Buffetaut, E. Op cit. p. 270 to 271.
[10] - Bagual, Roger. "Lagoa Santa, Man - 1975" Sci Paleo Anthropolology - 12 - 2,005. See also: - Lamping - Emperaire et. al. - 1975 - Bryan - 1978 - Prous - 1,986 .- Beattie and Bryan - 1984.
[11] - means petrification of a bone, some remineralization processes (metasomatism) that take place by movement of carbonate-laden fluids that alter the mineralogical composition of the remains.
Semogil May 10, 2010.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Can Running Change Your Menses

The media reports from yesterday about the terrible fire that consumed at least 60 wooden houses and much of the infrastructure lakeside population of Riosucio (Chocó). Although the news is paradoxical, because people live Riosucio and literally immersed in the water most of the year, fires are not uncommon in the Pacific Coast. Since I have memory, many towns in this region have been affected by heavy fire, starting Quibdó. This fire Not only has the existence of Riosucio the attention of many people in the country, but showed the extreme poverty in the community under discussion.

Coincidentally, the New York Times supplement circulating today with The Spectator, an article on Martin Fackler entitled "What does fall into poverty in societies like Japanese? ".

The article ends with the following paragraph:

"Over 80 percent of those living in poverty in Japan are part of the so-called working poor, who have temporary jobs with low wages, without any security and few benefits. Usually have enough money to feed, but not to participate in normal activities like eating out with friends or watching a movie. "In a prosperous society, poverty is not to live in rags in a dirty floor," said Masami Iwata, a professor of social welfare Women's University Japan in Tokyo. "These are people who have cell phone and car, but are isolated from the rest of society."

The Chocó communities are part of some of the richest ecosystems on Earth's biodiversity, which plays an important role in their cultural characteristics. However, the biodiversity of the forest and the sea are being severely affected ('ecological impoverishment'), with strong effects on survival and identity.

In the case of Japan which is evidenced in the chart above we have called "cultural poverty" or "cultural impoverishment", one of whose Causes and manifestations is affective and emotional impoverishment.

The loss of core values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, reciprocity, sense of belonging and of collective purpose, and sense of identity, is another serious form of "cultural impoverishment" that affect affective and emotional stability.

few years ago (2003), demonstrated that the shocking number of deaths (over 52,000!) Occurred during a strong heat wave that hit Europe , much corresponded to the elderly who had stayed at home alone, while the rest of the family was out of town vacation. became clear that what was attributed to the increase in temperature, it was really lack of human warmth.

Community Portal Oasis, which is dedicated to the entry below, lack of money, but surely it is much richer in terms of solidarity, trust their own abilities and in love, that many companies "rich" in Colombia and the rest the world. That love, my friend says Misael Murcia seeing the pictures, clearly expresses the joy of the houses and plants. I think now that houses are a maximum of two floors ... but in many plants.


The National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science in Colombia has just published the report Forensis 2009, according to which "in the country recorded 1,845 cases [of suicide] in 2009 and of this total 844 were between 10 and 29. There were 65 suicidal children. "( Weather - Page 1-5)

" Although suicide has not grown in Colombia in 2009-one of every ten murders, there alarm among the authorities on the profile of people who are resorting to this desperate decision: last year, according to Legal Medicine, nearly half of suicide victims were under 30 years. [...] The majority of suicides are men between 20 and 24, single and basic schooling. Many had problems or drug or alcohol dependency. "

E here a concrete example, with updated data, what we call up cash and emotional impoverishment.

suicide 65 children! This is the generation that will have to start paying bills more expensive climate change. And what strengths and what mood? Cultural adaptation, affective and emotional dimension of the first importance, which rises in the bosom of the family. It is also a dimension which is never spoken. (What penalty put well, but so far I've only heard me touching that subject climate change).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Special Cream With Creatine

POVERTY A 'miracle continues': THE OASIS PORTAL

In 2005 the organization ACT (Action Churches Together ) invited me to make a speech on risk management in the Portal Oasis, then a neighborhood invasion in Ibague. The people had taken the decision to disrupt the neighborhood to re-build, but this time so that the houses away from the edge of the hillside nearby that began to show signs of wanting to slide. A perfect example of land involving the nature and community.

From the first moment I was struck by the aesthetic desire of the residents. There was hut without antejardín or without pots.

In the neighborhood were aware that difficulties in access to drinking water (?) and the "width" of the access roads to housing, posed grave risks to the inhabitants. Already had problems when a person needed to get sick or when a fire in a hut threatened the whole neighborhood.

then took the decision to rebuild the neighborhood. I asked them to start the conversation: "Hands up those skilled in risk management" . Nobody stood up, because they had never heard those words. Then I said: "Pick him up everyone, because what they are doing is managing the risk of higher quality."

There I began to realize that the rights of children are some practical "guiding principles" for any process of human development and good indicators move towards true sustainability.


A year later I returned to the neighborhood, was in full swing the transformation process.

The "community pot" is the mixed expression of indigenous Minga ... and an effective strategy for out of the pot.

Risk to disrupt the neighborhood was great, but decided to run it.

The results began to show. ACT supported them with some resources and technical support. The locals brought their intelligence, creativity, labor and each their own savings.

conjunction with the reorganization of the district and the construction of houses was carried out reforestation of the valley and an education program ecological environment around the trail.

This look should be familiar to anyone with my book "Compass, racking cane and lamp to the paths of Environmental Education" (MAVDT, 2006)


I was able to return to the neighborhood last week, four years after my previous visit. The fruits of collective effort are obvious.

This is a typical plant "wild" that grows where it wants ... and that more care than you give, do not thrive when transplanted.

Even in the midst of poor economic conditions, the predominant note remains the reaffirmation of the dignity of life.

Compare these streets with those that existed in 2005.

plants remain very important neighborhood residents.

improvement process and construction is ongoing.

bees to work in this area like bees .

He called particular attention to this experience of "urban agriculture" on a tin roof.

Extend the photo with a click
Not a gram of soil can be ignored: an important lesson for humanity to reach the seven billion members, on a planet with climate change and limited resources.

Nor can waste even a drop of water. Of that, formerly tugurial neighborhood, we all have much to learn.

Although for some reason the environmental education programs have not (yet) the need for continuity, Glen was reforested. All these were guaduales planted by the community .

Risk management itself was fully incorporated into daily life.

This time I came across this "Divine Child" that I photographed in 2005 ... but I have no doubt that he taught people the secret to making great miracles.

Players in the daily miracle: people-of all ages- Oasis Portal

Caesar, the great leader of a community where everyone is leading the task to be forward .

Doris Perez, ACT, in 2005 gave me the photo of this carrot autoentrepiernada. I think any other picture best represents the invaluable importance of self and union .