Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Article 44 of the Constitution states that children have the right to love, which is also enshrined in the Preamble to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) when he says "E l child, for the full and harmonious development of his personality, should grow up in a family in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. "

The rights established for children and adolescents, include four dimensions: Existence, Development, Citizenship and Security.

Among the factors that shape the existence ("essential conditions to preserve life"), include "be required" and "To be liked and respected."

The Dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language DRAE define "desirable", in its second sense, as " Craving that happens or does not happen some event. "

The DRAE also defines the word as " feel sexual appetite to someone ", but it is not based on that meaning, but on the other, that the Survey Demographic and Health ENDS, 2005, prepared by PROFAMILIA , says that in Colombia " m enos half of births (46 percent) occurred in the last five years were unwanted at the time. 27 percent of them were allowed, but for later. That is, can be classified as inappropriate. 27 percent were reported openly as junk. This figure has increased by four percentage points compared to the ENDS 2000. "

This means that 54% of men born in the country between 2000 and 2005 definitely were not desired or at least were not at that time.

Of course you can not say that all children who belong to that 54% have been denied the right to love, but it is valid to assume that conditions are more guaranteed to be subjects of that right (and all that that implies) those infants and adolescents whose birth has been desired and not accidental or unwanted openly.

probably based on considerations how are you, chapter "Girls and Boys our priority," the Government Proposal Mockus-Fajardo, said that " Children have the right to be wanted or unwanted, so there is an urgent public policy regarding sexual and reproductive health. "

aberration in clear deployment, Mr. José Obdulio Gaviria, column entitled "Ballad imprecatory against the ready" (El Tiempo, May 25, 2010) asks the following referring to Mockus: "How will we now to explain this Manifesto Pederast?"

aberration " Mr. Gaviria?

Yes, the same dictionary of the Academy of Language defines the word as:

1. Grave error of understanding.

2. act or conduct depraved, perverse, or that deviate from what is accepted as legal.

In this case, both meanings are fully valid.

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Government Proposal Mockus-Fajardo - "Girls and Boys Our Priority"

Column Mr. J. Obdulio Gaviria

ENDS Survey 2005 - See: Planning Fertility

International Convention on the Rights of the Child

Framework for Public Policy and Planning Guidelines for the Development of Children and Adolescents in the City - A Guide for Mayors . DNP - Ministry of Education - Ministry of Social Welfare - ICBF (PAGE 20)

Dictionary of the Royal Academy of English Language - Twenty-second edition


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