Es asombroso como juegan con la humanidad, parece que se divierten engañándonos, podría ser hasta gracioso si el nivel intelectual y el sentido crítico de la población fuese el adecuado, pero como mantienen al personal en un letargo intelectual, el asunto es realmente perverso, pues se permiten el lujo de anunciar a bombo y platillo que han creado vida artificial, que han creado la primera célula artificial. ¡Qué cara más dura!.
Pasa como con los contratos o los seguros, lo que realmente vale es la letra pequeña, si uno lee la letra pequeña y entiende algo, se da perfecta cuenta de qué es lo que han conseguido, y en el fondo what they have done is little more than what we could do before, they have succeeded in one part of the process of cell mitosis, DNA from a bacterium, doubling using nucleotides (links which consists of DNA) prepared chemically in the lab, and then doubled that DNA "pieces" synthetic, which have been introduced in other bacteria, along with the natural DNA of the same bacteria. And that's all they have done.
already been formed before DNA fragments with synthetic nucleotides, this time have managed to copy a bit longer, it seems that all the DNA of bacteria, that's all. But imagine the headlines around the world and awards and subsidies that have achieved this already famous scientist if the news is "we have managed to copy a longer piece of DNA."
Mr. Craig Venter, has kept very well wait and see what happens to the bacteria with DNA added, in a newspaper, we have read that the bacteria has diluted their own DNA to keep the synthetic it is necessary to have faith to believe that a living being yours to refuse something change it to something strange. Which side do!, So with all the news about cloning, almost never refer to that being cloned inherits the age of the agency who have taken the core and is unhealthy and short-lived.
In an interview today, Mr. Craig Venter, before the dust has unleashed his way to give the news, said that if it has done is alive or not, is a philosophical, not scientific and he did not come here . If it is a philosophical question, and do not enter, how say you've created life?. Now there will be five years to study philosophy at the university to see if something is alive or dead.
As Chesterton said, evolutionists and many other scientists, are specialists in making unproven assumptions in theories and then using that same theory as the basis and test other hypotheses.
The first mistake of many scientists is to confuse DNA with life, because what is alive are the bodies that are very complex, the DNA can not be alive or dead, is a lot of organic molecules, but not a body, and this can prove very evident in two ways: 1) leave as long as a fragment of DNA like a flask, and see if you can double, feed or grow. 2) life is what is a living and do not have a corpse, and to my knowledge, all the cells of the body are well completito DNA, and there is no life. Then the DNA is not life, is one of the components of living organisms, but is not life, and the proof is that in the experiment of which we speak, has had to put the synthetic DNA into a living being.
also confuse things because it is creating something out of nothing, not assembled from parts, that is called build, and do as has been done in this experiment with artificial parts to duplicate natural DNA within a living being (in this case a yeast) is called to manipulate life and to manipulate to create a distance is incomprehensible to some.
many crap we have to bear some scientists who want to be the "priests" of a new postmodern civilization.
many crap we have to bear some scientists who want to be the "priests" of a new postmodern civilization.
Semogil, 23 May 2010
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